The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Starbase Café => Topic started by: Zanthius on October 08, 2017, 05:16:47 pm

Title: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on October 08, 2017, 05:16:47 pm
I have made a new logo for my website:

( (

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Scalare on October 09, 2017, 07:50:21 am
Think big, start small huh? :)
I personally dislike the democracy we have and the politics that are neccesary to achieve it. Our local city counsel will hold elections beginning of next year, and I already know that some of these parties have deliberately put promises in their election programme that they already don't intend on keeping (and have had a history of already planning in advance to not keep a certain promise, despite it being used in negotiations as leverage to get something done).
I used to think that democracy was the ultimate form of government, and that the most ideological do-gooders that want to improve the world get the most people behind them.
Sadly, it turns out to be about power and doing whatever it takes to remain in power, and there appears to be a lot of dirty money involved, too.
Sorry for this rant :).

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on October 09, 2017, 09:14:22 am
I just want to make clear that these are not promises, but rather goals we should work towards. I don't necessarily believe that we can ever get a society without any corruption or pollution, but nevertheless our goal should be to have no corruption and no pollution. Our goals need to be clearly defined, otherwise we don't even know what we are fighting for. This might have been one if the biggeste problems with the Arab spring. They didn't necessarily have any clearly defined goals they agreed upon for what to replace the old corrupted system with.

Also. The world revolution is probably going to start in the poorest and most corrupted countries, since they have the greatest incentive for change. Wealthy, and somewhat functional countries like the Netherlands are probably going to be the most reluctant countries to join a world revolution, since you don't really have such a great incentive for change.

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on October 11, 2017, 06:58:25 pm
I have started discussing this at reddit: (

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on October 14, 2017, 12:44:22 pm
I made this graph, to strengthen the argument that we need to focus more upon improving education than upon spreading democracy.

( (

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Scalare on October 16, 2017, 04:04:07 pm
the cool thing is, that facebook, google and twitter can be used widely in the western world to brainwash people. this is more effective than censorship and traditional indoctrination methods, because it does not create nearly as much dissatisfaction.
educated people and countries are more likely to heavily use these tools. so therefore we will need new methods to determine if a politician is deceitful.
and the answer also lies in using the data behind these tools. throw it all in a neural network and an AI will be able to tell you if a politician is lying. this could lead to inconvenience by telling the world that the bush administration fabricated evidence against wmd's in iraq, and will lead to many more exposures :). One AI to rule us all.

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on October 27, 2017, 10:11:47 am
I am going to start writing an article called "How can I help to change the world". Here is an illustration I have made for the article:


Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on October 29, 2017, 02:18:08 am
( (

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: belperkev on October 30, 2017, 08:49:57 pm
I'd argue that's not a logo. A good logo is much more simplisiic and needs to be clearly readable when rescaled - (sorry)

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on October 30, 2017, 09:32:41 pm
I'd argue that's not a logo. A good logo is much more simplisiic and needs to be clearly readable when rescaled - (sorry)

Here are new scalable logos (svg files):

Here as pdf: (


Here as pdf: (

They are now also available for download at this page: (

I am not a very good artist, so any help with these things would of course be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Death 999 on November 02, 2017, 06:02:04 pm
Better, but they're still pretty wordy.

That last list item is really odd. NO TAX EVASION.

Maybe list it as something positive (grammatically positive)?

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on November 02, 2017, 10:47:13 pm
Better, but they're still pretty wordy.

I guess the least wordy logo would be with only the globe and the main text...


But that doesn't include anything about the ideology.

That last list item is really odd. NO TAX EVASION.

Maybe list it as something positive (grammatically positive)?

I also think that maybe "progressive taxes" sounds better. No tax evasion doesn't even say if the tax should be flat or progressive. However, I have the impression that many people (especially in the US) are more concerned about super rich people evading taxes. Donald Trump has even bragged about not paying taxes. People seem to think that no matter how progressive the tax is, super rich people always find ways to avoid paying taxes, and in US that is not even a completely false belief.  

I will create a poll and see what the other people here thinks about this.

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Scalare on November 05, 2017, 03:49:43 pm
With creative efforts I often try not to comment too much on them since it comes from their hearts and inspiration shouldn't be biased by other views as it limits out of the box thinking  :)
so; its your thing, do whatevvahthehell you want with it :).

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Kaiser on November 11, 2017, 11:08:05 am
I think The Orville just had an episode based around this...

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on November 11, 2017, 11:10:20 am
I think The Orville just had an episode based around this...

Which one? (

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on November 19, 2017, 08:43:49 pm
I have made it so that people can mine cryptocurrencies on my webpage, which will be used to advertise my webpage. (

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on December 15, 2017, 12:46:21 pm
Here is a nice T-shirt for progressive people.

( (

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Scalare on December 15, 2017, 02:44:11 pm
Theme song suggestion:

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on December 16, 2017, 09:21:14 pm
Theme song suggestion:

John Lennon's imagine also seems to be somewhat related to this:

Title: Re: New Logo
Post by: Zanthius on May 21, 2018, 08:16:18 pm
I changed "No discrimination" into "Equal rights", since discrimation in itself isn't bad. For example, it might be good to be able to discriminate different colors.

I have also changed "No corruption" into "Freedom of speech" since "No corruption" sounds a bit too utopian, and since freedom of speech wasn't included and seems to be extremely important.


Maybe this could be made into a watchface, such as what Daktak has made with the Star Control ships (