Title: Current Status of the main project? Post by: Elestan on February 28, 2018, 07:12:46 pm The main project trunk has had two major branches land since 0.7, relating to save games and Lua integration, but there hasn't been much movement since. Meanwhile, other branches such as UQM-HD are continuing to see work.
Can any of the core team comment on the status of the main? If no further work is planned, could the current head be released as a beta and put through a testing period to try to get to a stable release point? I'm worried about code divergence if the status quo goes on too long. Title: Re: Current Status of the main project? Post by: Krulle on February 28, 2018, 07:22:43 pm Serosis has implemented most bug fixes into his megamod, and is the most current version.
He's pushing to finish his version, so that it can become the code basis for all other versions. http://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=7055.0 Title: Re: Current Status of the main project? Post by: JHGuitarFreak on February 28, 2018, 07:29:50 pm Meanwhile, other branches such as UQM-HD are continuing to see work. As Krulle said, only mine has seen any recent work. HD-mod hasn't been touched since '14 and HD-Remix hasn't been touched since Sep-2017. Michael recently updated the UQM code in January so it can build on GCC7. Though at the moment I'm more concerned about when Apple drops all support for 32-bit applications. UQM is going to be a very stubborn beast to upgrade to 64-bit. Title: Re: Current Status of the main project? Post by: Elestan on February 28, 2018, 07:56:08 pm Oh, I think you've done great work on the MegaMod. My one concern is that the core maintainers were extremely diligent about stability, so if they hadn't released the changes on main yet, I'm wondering if they were ready for broad distribution. Are you coordinating your efforts with the core team at all, such that they would take your code back to the mainline, or is it your intent to just supplant the mainline by virtue of the fact that they've stopped making changes?
One other issue I remember from back when HD came around: As I recall, the game uses the image silhouettes for collision detection, and the HD ship images had slightly different outlines in some cases. This means both that the HD images are going to play slightly differently, and that anyone doing netmelee between HD and normal is going to get some weird behavior. My suggestion at the time was that the HD ship images be adjusted slightly, such that their outlines matched (as closely as possible) the ships from the original game, so that the behavior could really be unchanged. Any chance of that happening? Title: Re: Current Status of the main project? Post by: JHGuitarFreak on February 28, 2018, 08:38:17 pm Oh, I think you've done great work on the MegaMod. My one concern is that the core maintainers were extremely diligent about stability, so if they hadn't released the changes on main yet, I'm wondering if they were ready for broad distribution. Are you coordinating your efforts with the core team at all, such that they would take your code back to the mainline, or is it your intent to just supplant the mainline by virtue of the fact that they've stopped making changes? I see my mod as more a faithful rendition of the HD mod. I would be more than elated if the Michael or Serge merged some of my changes back into vanilla but I don't see it happening. Perhaps with the setup menu. I'm still blown away with how much I changed it while retaining operability. One other issue I remember from back when HD came around: As I recall, the game uses the image silhouettes for collision detection, and the HD ship images had slightly different outlines in some cases. This means both that the HD images are going to play slightly differently, and that anyone doing netmelee between HD and normal is going to get some weird behavior. My suggestion at the time was that the HD ship images be adjusted slightly, such that their outlines matched (as closely as possible) the ships from the original game, so that the behavior could really be unchanged. Any chance of that happening? That would take up a lot of time and I'm no artist. Though If I wanted to do a quick n' dirty I could do a batch resize to all of the HD ships so that the width and height matches the original icons if they were blown up. |