The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: JHGuitarFreak on April 14, 2018, 07:39:58 am

Title: A fan game based on the destruction of Delta Gorno
Post by: JHGuitarFreak on April 14, 2018, 07:39:58 am
A good friend of mine, Volasaurus, recently created this game after hearing the unreleased battle music track by Mark Brown.
Using the assets from UQM and UQM-HD he threw this together in short order using Unity 2D.

It's a bullet-hell, shoot 'em up, race to the finish type game with several difficulty levels.
Here's a video of me playing on the easiest setting so you can get the general idea:

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial Share-Alike 2.5 ( applies to the UQM assets used in this release.

Addendum: As many of you know the Shofixti acquired and modified a Precursor bomb to blow up their sun in order to stop a large Ur-Quan fleet from advancing, sacrificing themselves in the process.
This is the sole reason why you can't detonate early.

Title: Re: A fan game based on the destruction of Delta Gorno
Post by: Volasaurus on April 14, 2018, 08:05:28 am
Thanks for the signal boost, Serosis.

 I just wanted to point out that I have plans for a 1.1 that will include some cool stuff, like more modes and some more personal touches. Things like a unique intro for Legend difficulty, possibly achievements. Also more custom options in the options menu like more scout skins, more exhaust colors, things like that. I'd do it all now, but I just spent 7 days of rapid-fire builds trying to meet my self-imposed deadline, so I'm going to take a little time off to recuperate.

Edit: Thiima also recorded a full playthrough of the Badass difficulty (Thiima's also being playing it since Alpha 5 :p) :

Title: Re: A fan game based on the destruction of Delta Gorno
Post by: Schizoid on April 14, 2018, 01:32:53 pm
It's nice  :D

Title: Re: A fan game based on the destruction of Delta Gorno
Post by: Szczepaniak on September 19, 2018, 06:15:35 pm
Fantastic. I wish there more fan games based on SC2, specifically games which use a different engine to the UQM one. And one that looks at past battles!

I especially like the music - the whole thing has a last chance, charge of the light brigade style feeling to it.

Small suggestion: using the voice files from UQM for the Shofixti, where each time the ship is hit, and a crew member dies, it plays Tanaka's "KAHYEEEE!!!" battle scream. Like one of the crew died giving a final battle cry.

Well done to your friend!

Title: Re: A fan game based on the destruction of Delta Gorno
Post by: Death 999 on September 21, 2018, 02:39:43 pm
The charge of the light brigade wasn't a last chance. It was a case of misunderstood orders wasting lives.

Title: Re: A fan game based on the destruction of Delta Gorno
Post by: Szczepaniak on September 23, 2018, 09:51:31 am
I know how the battle unfolded, I watched a documentary some years ago and read the Wikipedia page during bored moments at work.

What I meant was, post comma, is that the game conveys a feeling of futility. To word it another way:
"The whole thing has a last chance, 'this is futile' style of feeling to it."

The light brigade, similar to pretty much the whole of WWI, and other famous wars/battles, in my mind symbolizes the illogical futility and pointlessness of going against an insurmountable foe with the knowledge that basically, you're not going to make it. Probably. But you do it anyway. See also the story behind 300, and that bit in the LotR films, where the king touches everyone's sword and they march forwards knowingly to their own deaths.

The Shofixti, even though they "succeeded" at Gorno, really only succeeded in wiping themselves out so as to not ultimately defeat, but merely injure their foe. This is why I love the writing in Star Control 2 so much. The whole Gorno story aspect is glorious - they can't win, it's a futile march into oblivion, but they're going to bloody well do it anyway because if you're going to lose you might as well give your opponent a black eye while your entire species burns to a crisp in the supernova of an exploding sun. It takes "scorched Earth" policy to a whole new level. And again, it ultimately means nothing, because the Ur-Quan win anyway. Countless lives lost, and the enemy wins anyway. An entire solar system burned, and a culture obliterated, and the enemy wins anyway. Everything is sacrificed, but the enemy wins anyway. The Shofixti maybe "won" at Gorno, but in winning they actually lost. Victory through defeat, or something...

I get chills just thinking about it.

Title: Re: A fan game based on the destruction of Delta Gorno
Post by: Zanthius on September 23, 2018, 11:41:49 am
The whole Gorno story aspect is glorious - they can't win, it's a futile march into oblivion, but they're going to bloody well do it anyway because if you're going to lose you might as well give your opponent a black eye while your entire species burns to a crisp in the supernova of an exploding sun. It

This also makes me think of Islamic suicide bombers. It is easy to glorify this type of behavior if you are on the same team. However, humans can engage in suicide attacks because of group narratives that are rooted in complete fictions.