Title: Origins May Public Blog [New Screenshots] Post by: SchismNavigator on May 26, 2018, 12:20:35 am Hello again interstellar friendos! I hope this transmission is coming through clearly. You never know what quality of components you are going to get when you buy from the galactic market. I hear one trade replaced their anti-matter with ant-matter once.
(https://i.imgur.com/LgOt6Jc.png) New Title Screen Today is our last monthly public update, the reason? Because from now on we are going to be doing WEEKLY updates up until release. In technical parlance, we have entered ludicrous speed for game development. That being the case we thought we would take a moment to talk about something very important to all of us here. https://www.stardock.com/games/starcontrol/article/489103/star-control-origins---may-2018 (https://www.stardock.com/games/starcontrol/article/489103/star-control-origins---may-2018) (https://i.imgur.com/aNv5BuJ.png) Hyperspace Is Busy The story is one of the most important parts to get right for any good action-adventure RPG like Star Control. This is why the first person hired for Star Control: Origins was Chris Bucholz, our lead writer. That story has gone through years of refinement, but now comes the in-game iteration. Pacing things out and making sure the presentation of everything from the voice acting to the flow from planet to planet is smooth. This is what our founders and select testers are helping to improve along with our internal teams. (https://i.imgur.com/RipvFrw.png) New Fleet Screen For past, present and future updates on Star Control: Origins you can read our fancy new blog right here: https://www.stardock.com/games/starcontrol/blog (https://www.stardock.com/games/starcontrol/blog) Title: Re: Origins May Public Blog [New Screenshots] Post by: PRH on May 26, 2018, 01:02:03 pm I wonder what those lines of chairs in the Phamysht ship are for. They certainly don't look like they're made with Phamysht anatomy in mind.
Title: Re: Origins May Public Blog [New Screenshots] Post by: JHGuitarFreak on May 27, 2018, 09:50:19 am I wonder what those lines of chairs in the Phamysht ship are for. They certainly don't look like they're made with Phamysht anatomy in mind. It's a place for their snacks to sit. Title: Re: Origins May Public Blog [New Screenshots] Post by: SchismNavigator on May 27, 2018, 04:59:44 pm I wonder what those lines of chairs in the Phamysht ship are for. They certainly don't look like they're made with Phamysht anatomy in mind. It's a place for their snacks to sit. "Dinner guests" |