The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Technical Issues => Topic started by: Christopher on April 21, 2003, 07:11:47 am

Title: Crackling sound in game
Post by: Christopher on April 21, 2003, 07:11:47 am
I am playing this game in WinXP and when I play it, the sound....or music rather, constantly pops and crackles a bit. Is this common since it is converted from a 3DO game, or is it just me? Anyone else know of this.

Title: Re: Crackling sound in game
Post by: chmmravatar on April 21, 2003, 07:36:14 am
I had this problem, as well. What I did was add the following to my command line options:

-q high --sound=openal

Title: Re: Crackling sound in game
Post by: Mark Vera on April 22, 2003, 02:28:23 am
In my computer the OpenAL gives poor sound quality (higher frequencies aren't played correctly). Probably because it forces soundcard driver to use DirectSound3D and the drivers I use don't have that good support for it, only for DirectSound2D.

Anyhow, I made own build from the sources where I increased the mixdsl buffer size a bit. The pops went away and the sound fx latency increased a bit, but not too much.

The sound artifacts are caused when the game doesn't provide data for the soundcard fast enough. Try running the game in full screen, might help. Or disable the scale smoothing of graphics.