Title: Spathi / Starbase Commander message Post by: shyguy on April 24, 2003, 02:30:34 am I wasn't sure which forum to take this to, for I don't know if this is a glitch or I'm not doing something right.
I'll first say that this game sure brings back fond memories, spending hours upon end exploring star systems and beating up those Kohr-Ah. Actually, I think I still have my *cough* pirated *cough* copy of Star Control 2 for the PC somewhere. heh. Anyway, so I visited Epsilon Gruis, made friends with the Spathi, then a couple weeks later, they disappeared, and I got the Umgah Caster from the moon. It's been well over a year of game-time, but I'm still getting the "We have a major situation!" message from the Starbase Commander. Other messages have come and gone, but that one's persistent. Why's that? What am I missing? Title: Re: Spathi / Starbase Commander message Post by: chmmravatar on April 24, 2003, 08:04:46 am Hmm, this sounds like an occurance of bug 227 ( http://uqm.stack.nl/cgi-bin/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=227 ). I've looked into that bug myself, but haven't been able to reproduce it. You may want to add a comment to that bug report, and if you can, attach a savegame file which demonstrates the commander's repetition of the news.
Title: Re: Spathi / Starbase Commander message Post by: shyguy on April 25, 2003, 04:04:17 am Ok, I've done so.
The savegame I've attached also includes repeating "Shofixti have returned" message. |