Title: Print & Play Card Game needs testers... Post by: TheVidmaster on January 03, 2021, 02:34:04 pm Rejoice, for the signs are clear.
The presaged time has come. All shackles of caste and clan exiguous now. Goyum beckons and the faithful gather. Now, we must travel... (https://cf.geekdo-images.com/B1622xoVC8Ik75AynrwvrA__imagepage/img/8e8tfw4TliuNoarJPKQnZWdRWLY=/fit-in/900x600/filters:no_upscale():strip_icc()/pic5702202.png) My most recent project is still in need of more testers :) It is available for the general public, free of charge and sign-up, here (https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2524036/wip-corewards-2021th-54-card-game-contest-idea-pha). If anyone wants to provide any sort of feedback, no matter how harsh, I will be thankful. No worries about being polite or hurting my feelings, I got a background in design and know how to take a verbal kick in the backside ;) . Honestly, it is always about getting more data / info, as long as you tell me why something is shit in your opinion, it will be useful to me. |