Title: Master list of mods Post by: jmorgan on January 07, 2022, 04:10:13 am Hey all,
Seems to me we are well in need of a mod repository as the primary list of mods for UQM. I know there is one at http://www.star-control.com/fan/mods.php Also one at https://wiki.uqm.stack.nl/List_of_The_Ur-Quan_Masters_Mods Both are out of date. It seems mods are likely to be posted in here or other forums, then move down the list over time and become lost. Wouldn't it be great to list these on the main sc2.sourceforge.net page, since there are not many other things to up date on there these days? At the least could we maybe get a sticky thread in here. Even better would be an actual top level board for mods, that way there can be a thread for each mod and the author can post updates. Title: Re: Master list of mods Post by: JHGuitarFreak on January 07, 2022, 09:34:06 am I posted a nice list quite awhile ago. Mods and some ports
All the versions of Official UQM, from 0.1 to 0.8 are right on the Sourceforge page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sc2/files/UQM/ HD-mod's betas are also on its respective Sourceforge page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/urquanmastershd/files/ HD-remix: https://www.moddb.com/games/the-urquan-masters-hd-remix/downloads/the-urquan-masters-hd-remix-v112 UQM Extended Edition: https://github.com/0xDEC0DE/sc2-uqm/releases/tag/v0.6.7-ee Project 6014: https://code.google.com/archive/p/project6014/downloads Shiver's Balance Mod: https://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=7502.msg80639 Cheating Zelnick's UQM Mods: https://github.com/CheatingZelnick/Ur-Quan-Mods UQM-HD Drawn Out: https://github.com/evants/uqmhd-drawnout/ UQM 0.7.0 Roguelike: https://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=7875.0 UQM HD-mod Roguelike: https://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=7939.0 Elvish Pillager's Crazy Mod: https://wiki.uqm.stack.nl/Elvish_Pillager%27s_Crazy_Mod Adjusted Ship Price Mod: https://wiki.uqm.stack.nl/Adjusted_Ship_Price_Mod UQM-Wii: https://github.com/tautologico/uqm-wii UQM-Native Client port: https://github.com/davidben/uqm UQM-ios: https://github.com/njvack/uqm-ios UQM-emscripten: https://github.com/mikeakers/UQM-emscripten UQM-RG350 port: https://github.com/Yorper/Ur-Quan-Masters-RG350-Port Schizoid's mods and utilities: https://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=7096.0 UQM MegaMod v0.8.0.85 for Switch: https://github.com/yokai-shogun/UQM-MegaMod-Switch UQM MegaMod v0.8.1: https://github.com/Serosis/UQM-MegaMod/releases MegaMod's main website: http://megamod.serosis.net/Releases My fork of Jucce's UQM save editor: https://github.com/Serosis/UQMEdit/releases There's also old mods that have since been abandoned (with dead links) or were never released in the first place. They're not hard to find but I don't think it's worth trawling UQMF's search function. Title: Re: Master list of mods Post by: Schizoid on January 10, 2022, 09:18:17 am Malin's mods and utilities: https://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=7096.0 All those mods were made by me. And the utilities were made by different authors - Logbook by Malin, Random Team Generator by lordi, Trainers by Snezhok.Title: Re: Master list of mods Post by: JHGuitarFreak on January 10, 2022, 11:21:35 am Malin's mods and utilities: https://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=7096.0 All those mods were made by me. And the utilities were made by different authors - Logbook by Malin, Random Team Generator by lordi, Trainers by Snezhok.Sorry about that. Fixed. |