Title: Burvix 'Caster Post by: Shiver on April 26, 2003, 09:38:56 am Shouldn't this be called the Druuge 'caster? It's not of Burvixese design. Common sense dictates that the Druuge wouldn't be able to put another species 'caster down on their moon to exterminate them unless it was taken by stealth or force, neither of which the Druuge are known for. On the planet you can clearly see that the caster is red. The Druuge paint everything red and love the color, though why it's green in the artifact screen is beyond me. Finally, I'm sure there is at least one quote from the game confirming that the 'Caster was in fact built by the Druuge. To me, this is like calling the blue one a "Spathi 'Caster". In other words, dead wrong.
Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: Sturm on April 26, 2003, 09:40:11 am i havent found it yet. where is it?
Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: AnonomouSpathi on April 26, 2003, 09:54:38 am Technically, yeah, you're correct. I'd say it's probably namer Burvix caster in case you happened upon it without actually buying the information.
Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: Captain Smith on April 26, 2003, 10:06:13 am Find out about the Burvixese....the Melnorme will tell you...not sure if anyone else can though....
Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 27, 2003, 03:01:47 am Maybe it's short for 'Burvixese Demise Caster'
Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: Vee-R on April 27, 2003, 10:39:03 pm The 'caster itself IS green. Red is just the color of standard-issue Crimson Corporation bubble-wrap, used to protect the 'caster from the dangers of space. Duh. ::) Also, the fact that it's called "Burvix Caster" is just a coincidence. It has nothing to do with the Burvixese. It's an acronym used in Crimson Corporation product catalogs - B.U.R.V.I.X. stands for "Bwahahah! Unprepared Race's Veritable and Imminent Xtermination".
Damn, you people apparently have trouble figuring out the most basic stuff. ::) Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: Omni-Sama on April 27, 2003, 10:45:50 pm Your logic would dictate that an object should be named after its creator. If this is the case, other artefacts deserve a name change as well. The Utwig Bomb should be called the Precursor Bomb... The Burvixese were the ones using the caster, so why shouldn't it be in there name? Maybe I'm just silly, but your logic seems to escape me.
Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 28, 2003, 01:48:39 am Quote Your logic would dictate that an object should be named after its creator. If this is the case, other artefacts deserve a name change as well. The Utwig Bomb should be called the Precursor Bomb... The Burvixese were the ones using the caster, so why shouldn't it be in there name? Maybe I'm just silly, but your logic seems to escape me. Well, I think what you meant was, "The items are named after the race the items are most strongly associated with." Given that the Burvix Caster is most strongly associated with the needless demise of a sentient and peaceful race, rather than the jerks who plotted the whole thing up. And the Utwig bomb is most strongly associated with the tight-fisted mopes that intend to use it for geno-suicide. Personally, I still want the option to rename the Utwig bomb into the 'Spathi bomb'. *narrows eyes* Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: Shiver on April 29, 2003, 09:42:18 am Actually, I do agree that the Utwig bomb should be called the Precursor bomb. It just slipped my mind before. I would like to add that the Burvix never used that caster, the Druuge put it on their moon and activated it.
VileRancour: LOL! I see a lot of funny crap around these forums but that was so good that it deserves recognition. Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: captain_kirk on May 09, 2003, 02:41:17 am the caster is red in 3do
Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: Death 999 on May 09, 2003, 04:16:14 am We got that part. See the shrink-wrap joke, above.
Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: Rain on May 12, 2003, 02:00:50 am *Spoiler Alert*
Did you guys manage to get 32000RU for the Burvix Caster? Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: SuperFunRom on May 12, 2003, 05:18:41 am You can really get RUs for the caster? Are you joking?
Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: JohnDoe on May 12, 2003, 05:42:02 am Spoiler continues
Yeah, fill your ship full of high efficiency fuel tanks and give yourself just enough fuel to make it to the Druuge homeword (you only need 15 if you have the portal spawner). Trade the caster in on all the fuel your ship will hold (this ends up being about 1600 units). Go back to your starbase and sell it for 20 RU a unit). Title: Re: Burvix 'Caster Post by: rain. on May 14, 2003, 02:20:44 pm The Druuge leader's reaction after you do the thing mentioned above is priceless.