Title: Progress Section Post by: Stanz on June 05, 2003, 04:38:08 am I think their should be a progress section added to the site which shows us anything thats being worked on or has been done and will be in the next release...
Maybe with screenshots aswell or something... A bit like a journal... I dont know just a idea and it would help us get a picture of what to expect and perhaps how long exactly itll take until the next release... What do you think? Title: Re: Progress Section Post by: AnonomouSpathi on June 05, 2003, 05:48:36 am I'm pretty sure sourceforge already has a changelog.
Title: Re: Progress Section Post by: Novus on June 05, 2003, 12:26:19 pm Here are links to the relevant files (straight out of CVS using the WWW interface) and the bug database:
No pretty screenshots, just plain text, but it's up to date. |