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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: melnorme
on: December 13, 2002, 05:12:43 am
they refuse to talk about their origins, which I take as evidence that they ARE that old.
Either that or very new... it's possible that they were created by some other race in recent history. If so, they would not be the first - remember that the Mrnmhmrmn (spelled wrong) and (probably) the Mycon were created as well. That said, I think it's more likely that they really are the Mael-Num.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Arilou and the Orz: What's the Deal? *spoilers
on: December 13, 2002, 05:05:34 am
Two quick comments:
One: The Orz are one of my favorite races; they are certainly a large part of what makes SC what it is. Just think about it... everyone you meet who mentions them tells you that they are dangerous and can't be trusted. The Androsynth disappeared just as the Orz appeared - in the same region. They attack you for mentioning the Androsynth too much, and seem very suspicious. Basically, everything points to these guys being evil. Yet, their "translation problems" give them the funniest speech of all, and make them seem simply silly! I just love how that works.
Second: Just before they disappeard, the Precursors were apparently worried. "They were always hurrying from place to place, seeking knowledge as though they were in a desperate search for some important secret," the Slylandro tell us. The Androsynth, just before they disappeared. were desperately searching their computer systems for any information that could possibly save them... coincidence? Probably, but still something to think about. After all, it was apparently the Androsynth's experiments with multidimensional travel that led to their destruction... The Precursors were so advanced that it seems strange that they would never have done similar experiments. As a far larger and more spread out race, their destruction may have taken years... far longer than the destruction of the Androsynth.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Arilou and the Orz: What's the Deal? *spoilers
on: December 10, 2002, 08:16:15 am
Time for Matt's really strange theories!
This probably shouldn't be taken too seriously, and I'm probably wrong about a few points; still, I think it makes some sense. Anyway:
It's pretty obvious that the Arilou and the Orz both live in some sort of other dimensions; they may be linked in some way, but it doesn't matter too much. ("Perhaps you know of the Orz. Like us, they are dimensional travellers..."). Now, the Arilou state that "You are one of our... extended family, just as other sentients in other dimensions have their extended families." This statement means a lot: it tells us that there are more beings in other dimensions (likely far more than just the Arilou and Orz), and that most of them seem to take some interest in a species in our space. Perhaps all of the other-dimensional beings share a common source (for example, an evolutionary ancestor, or a common creator), and that causes all of them to want to look after a particular species in our dimension.
It's also clear that there are certain dangers to these other dimensions. The Arilou state that "If I tell you more, you will look where you could never look before and while you are looking you can and will be seen. You do not want to be seen." My theory is that there is some sort of creature living in those dimensions, that somehow *smells* us, and kills/devours us, or something... the details aren't important. Simply knowing about these other dimensions allows us to see into them, and thus be seen by these beings. Whatever they are, they are a great danger... but they are NOT the Orz. The Arilou, Orz, and any other beings in those dimensions are immune to that being; we are not. The Arilou have been slowly, and cautiously, working to change our *smell* and make us immune as well; they do this because they have an interest in us. The reasons for the caution will become clear soon.
The Taalo lived around the area that the Androsynth, and later the Orz, did. They were supposedly killed by the Ur-Quan when the Dnyarri took over, because they had a tremendous immunity to psychic manipulation. The Orz, however, refer to them as if they still exist, and say that they can travel in these other dimensions as well ("Arilou can *slide*. Also Taalo. Many can *slide*, but Orz are better of course."). How can this be? Well, I think that the Taalo were the species that the Orz were watching out for, until they were supposedly destroyed. In fact, while the Ur-Quan assumed that they killed all the Taalo, the Orz really "pulled them through" into their own dimension. Their rather impenetrable mind meant that the dangerous beings of that dimension were unable to sense them. Basically, the Taalo became inter-dimensional travellers; the efforts of the Orz were a success. The Arilou are slowly working to give us the same privilege.
So, the Taalo are now happy in some other dimension, and millennia pass. The Androsynth get created, and move into the space that the Taalo used to occupy. That space is right by an Orz portal (an "easy place," as the Arilou might say). The Orz decide to "adopt" the Androsynth, as the Taalo no longer need their help. They survive the war; after the war, however, the Orz sense some sort of danger for them... the details are not clear; perhaps they already know that the Kohr-Ah will win, and cleanse, unless something significant happens. In their panic, they try to bring the Androsynth into their dimension to save them... but the Orz, who are so unlike any beings in our space, don't realize the Androsynth's vulnerabilities. The Androsynth learn from the Orz about inter-dimensional travel, and begin experimenting; it is then that they *look* and are seen by the dangerous beings. They are pulled into the other dimension and destroyed by these beings; that explains why there are no bodies, and the searching for information about ghosts and poltergeists (they were not all pulled through at once; it was a several day process at least). The Orz are very upset; it's because they are upset that they refuse to talk about the situation. The reason that the Orz are suddenly showing up in that area of space is basically to invesigate the incident. So, all Androsynth are now dead; the Arilou are taking their time with us to avoid something similar. They want to protect us, but are careful to limit our exposure to other dimensions (Quasispace may be one of the safer dimensions). The reason that they state that the Orz are dangerous is that, in their opinion, they are careless; they did not realize the horrible consequences of their actions. They are not evil, they simply made a terrible mistake.
An interesting consequence of this theory is that the Taalo would exist, and may be able to calm the Ur-Quan... even "adopt" them.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Tedious...Tedious...
on: December 03, 2002, 03:52:58 am
Well, when you get a ship with good enough weapons, you can earn a decent living just blowing up other ships. Each Slylandro probe, for example, gives about 500 RU; they may be hard to kill now, but with enough upgrades you'll be able to destroy them without losing a single crew member.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Mining
on: December 02, 2002, 12:05:59 am
Scanning a planet gives you information about techtonics, temperature, etc. The PC version actually had text, but in this version it's only icons. They're pretty easy to figure out, though.
Later in the game, you'll be able to land on more worlds.