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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Which SC group is the coolest? on: June 18, 2005, 11:40:05 pm
Kohr-Ah are quite cool Tongue They do not get sentimental or anything. They just cleanse.

Shame that I don't remember any quotes right now.
2  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: UQM Mapping Project Proposal on: June 15, 2005, 01:29:13 am
I could take part of this Tongue It could be fun, if there are enough people to do it with me Smiley
3  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: German patch is online now on: June 11, 2005, 03:32:35 pm
Maybe this could work as some German exercise? I didn't quite master it in school Tongue
4  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What did you name your Cptn. and ship? on: June 09, 2005, 11:22:56 pm

Is this a trick question?  Wink

Well, not really Tongue Let's just say, that I usually don't think about the names Cheesy
5  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What did you name your Cptn. and ship? on: June 09, 2005, 04:23:48 pm

Damn! How come I didn't think of that? Tongue
6  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What did you name your Cptn. and ship? on: June 08, 2005, 05:20:15 pm
IMDB tells that Dark Star is a John Carpenter sci-fi movie made in 1974 Tongue

Only Finns can fully understand the names of my ship and captain in my most recent UQM session.

The Ship: AIV-liuos
The Captain: Sikanauta

What do those basically mean? Well, AIV-liuos is a Finnish invention that helps people to keep the fodder for their cattle fresh Smiley Sikanauta is a what English people would call a certain type of meat that has both pork and cow in it Tongue

You may guess, that I don't think about the names in UQM that much. Instead, it is fun to give names like that.
7  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Making the game more playable for new people on: June 03, 2005, 02:01:15 am
Not a major issue, but would it be nice if the alien starships would fly their noses towards the player (in the star system view)? I consider it quite silly that the Shofixti captain chases me backwards, and the mighty Kzer-Za diagonally.
8  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: finding the creature on: June 02, 2005, 09:06:38 pm

Right. You get to fight with infinite numbers of VUX intruders?
9  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Best planets for minerals? on: June 02, 2005, 08:29:13 pm
Zeta Vulpeculae in the Orz region of space is a place worth visiting. You'll discover several auric and treasure worlds, which will give you approximately 1000 units of 'precious' minerals. Haven't visited the Tauri system yet, but this system I mentioned is quite sweet  Smiley
10  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: finding the creature on: June 02, 2005, 08:24:15 pm
This could be counted as off-topic, but is it possible to get your hands on the Shofixti Maidens by attacking ZEX?
11  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: New ZFP remix on: June 01, 2005, 04:25:04 pm
Could it be possible to add this remix to the UQM even though Remix pack 4 isn't here yet? Putting the remix in a correct directory inside of the Tongue

EDIT: Yup, it works Tongue Next I'm gonna search the Shofixti one Smiley
12  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Next Release? on: May 29, 2005, 02:05:18 am
The new 0.4.0 is great, and once again I have decided to play the game through.

However, I find one thing quite irritating. Why The Ur-Quan Masters shows the slide show before the main menu? Wouldn't it be a better idea to make it run when one starts a new game? In addition, the interstellar frungy-league thing makes the starting of UQM very sluggish since Esc or any button won't lead instantly to the main menu. Fade-outs are cool, but I'd like to play UQM, not watch any effects.

I hope my message is heard and changed for the next release (1.0, I presume).

P.S.: I know it is possible to disable the slide show by the command lines, but it doesn't change the problem here.
13  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: UQM Loader 1.2 (for UQM 0.4) on: May 27, 2005, 01:44:23 am
This is an essential tool since the UQM in-game options are not so user-friendly yet.
14  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Next Release? on: May 22, 2005, 05:30:01 pm
The new triscan scaler looks rough and crumbly to me. I think it is quite weird since it looks most of the time almost exactly the same as I used no scaler. I have to stick to the biadv, which keeps the place of best scaler in UQM for now.

Otherwise it looks, that soon I have to play UQM through again Smiley

Edit: Hmm. Triscan looks quite good in 640*480 windowed mode, but I prefer fullscreen. Then my flat monitor messes everything up, so the biadv must be used...
15  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Next Release? on: May 22, 2005, 12:46:21 am
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present you The Ur-Quan Masters v0.4.0!

Thank you a lot, the whole UQM crew. This is superkalifragilistic news Tongue My saturday is saved.
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