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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Star Control 1 with SC2's ships
on: December 04, 2002, 02:15:28 am
I have an old computer which I can use to play SC1 (or SC2 without sound) so I don't need the emulator (it's even got a great keyboard so the keys don't easily get locked). What I do need are the extra ships from Star Control 2. It would be so cool to get them in the game.
Hmm... the strategy part of Star Control doesn't seem very complicated to me and I believe it wouldn't be that hard for an able programmer to code. Perhaps after the current project is done our heroes could try to complete this next undertaking.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What should NOT be changed ?
on: December 02, 2002, 11:54:39 pm
Ah, good. Now I can relax.
I'm trying to download the alpha version, but am having difficulties. Two times already the game has transfered only partially while claiming to be completed. I get the screen that shows it being copied to my hard drive, but when I look at the file it's only 104 megs in size. On the first time it was even less. I do have a theory though. It must be because of the low space I have on C drive, which apparently is the destination for some temp file the download is first being copied to. Oh well... either third time's the charm or I'll have to do some arranging of data.