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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: WAR
on: March 01, 2003, 11:38:19 pm
I found it interesting earlier that someone mentioned how governments that are installed from outside powers always turn into dictatorships. The sad reality is that any regime change initiated by an outside force will beceome a dictatorial society. Unless the people within a nation are the ones who initiate and control the changes, they will not throw the power of their force behind it, and the new government will have to resort to force/propaganda/etc to remain in place. And since no government in history has been replaced without military conflict (and this is likely to remain the case), revolutionary wars are the only way to genuinly re-form a ruling body.
As far as the Iraqi war goes, I do believe that the conflict is inevitable. One of the harder things to accept in life is that television and movies are lying - you can NOT save everyone every time. And if I have a choice, I would rather save me and mine.
Psychologically, is helps an oppressive government to have a 'Great Enemy' that it can rally it's people against. While many people believe that this is what our own (U.S.) government is attempting to accomplish with the conflict. However, many of the middle eastern countries have been using the U.S. for this purpose for years. The upswell of anti-american sentiment we have seen from these countries is merely the manifestation of several years worth of indoctrination.
Final sidenote : We should remain vigilant in our own country so that we are not deprived of our civil liberties in a time of war (as happens in most cases of historical record). Just looking at the text of the 'Patriot Act' you can see it's beginning. Law enforcement agencies are no longer required to show just cause to obtain a wiretap, and you can be held without legal counsel if they believe it is appropriate.