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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / I found a copy of SC3. How should I brace myself? on: February 28, 2009, 04:07:15 am
It turns out that while checking out some neighbors' library of old Classic Mac OS software a while back, one of those games happened to be Star Control 3. I figured that I might as well play it to find out exactly why it sucks rather than just jump on the Internet bandwagon because everyone else said so, especially now that I have my own old PowerBook that can boot OS 9 if needed to run the game. (And, of course, I can boot into OS X to play the greatest game of all time on that same machine and have more direct comparisons.)

I know about the bastardized animatronic puppet forms of all the races I've come to know and love, but what else should I expect?
2  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Sony PSP port? on: June 17, 2008, 03:33:52 am
I just got my PSP Slim from eBay today (it was a used Daxter bundle, and while the PSP itself has numerous scrapes and wear marks, it functions perfectly and cost me 45 US$ less than new). I'm looking forward to running UQM on it (especially since my hx4700 is my last WM device and its controls are very unsuitable for a game like UQM), though I'll need custom firmware first (the memory stick should be magic now; I just need a Pandora/tool/JigKick battery, and I don't want to hardmod my existing battery).

It's been several months since this refined UQM port was mentioned...I hope it's been released somewhere. (I especially hope that I can just drop it in the MS and fire it up in 3.90 M33 without much fuss...)
3  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: YouTube: Ur-Quan Masters Let's Play on: June 02, 2008, 07:51:13 am
This Let's Play series ought to help me get more people to play this game...

I thought about doing one myself despite the fact that it would be my second playthrough, but I can't be bothered.

(Wait a second-did anyone do a Let's Play on Starflight yet? That game could use one.)
4  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Humour comic (By me) on: June 02, 2008, 07:40:30 am
I'm surprised that you didn't touch on how some of the Lode Runners don't just use their pit-making blasters to directly shoot their adversaries instead of shooting the ground in front of them, as I would've definitely interjected some sort of comment on that.

Would you consider making spoofs on other LR offshoots? (I'm particularly wondering what you'd make out of the cutesy theme of Power Lode Runner.)

All of that said, I ought to get spoofing on other games myself. (I've already devised a little skit to voice some of my thoughts on a certain long-running series on Nintendo handhelds-all I need to do now is actually make a comic out of it.)
5  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Humour comic (By me) on: May 31, 2008, 04:27:23 am
Interesting stories, but not much of an artist? You're starting to remind me of myself!

There are several stories I'd like to tell (one is more of a satire on games, the Internet, and any other subject I feel like expressing opinions on, another is more of a script for a game that's mostly just sheer fan service for a certain console manufacturer and game developer, and the rest are part of my own fictional world that I hope to make into several games some day), but I'd want to do them at least in comic form. (I'd go as far as making some of them into games, but I don't have any programming skill whatsoever to compound my artistic limitations.)

Perhaps you could at least post some text that outlines what was going to happen in the comic?
6  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Humour comic (By me) on: May 30, 2008, 05:34:08 pm
Which Lode Runner game is this one going to be based on, exactly? The original, not-very-graphically-robust computer games? One of Hudson's various iterations of the series, with a human player being chased by Bombermen? The irresistibly cute Power Lode Runner? Lode Runner: The Legend Returns? Another offshoot I haven't listed? (I'm guessing The Legend Returns.)
7  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Windows Mobile port? on: May 30, 2008, 05:22:41 pm
I don't think this particular port will work on any OS older than Windows Mobile 5, given my own experiences with it. (It definitely doesn't seem to work under WM2003SE...)
8  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Windows Mobile port? on: May 17, 2008, 02:21:38 am
I also managed to get my hx4700 fixed up and running perfectly(just had to get the trackpad working again, as well as get a digitizer with perfect accuracy), and have installed WM6.1 on it.

I ran UQM, but I had the same problem as on my X50v-left and right acted as up and down, as if the switch to landscape mode only affected the screen and not the buttons.

Have you released any updates that may have fixed this issue in the meantime?
9  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Windows Mobile port? on: April 29, 2008, 11:26:21 pm
Try editing it to display the following:

 "\Storage Card\UQM\uqm.exe" -1 uqm_log.txt -r 320x240

If that doesn't work, try adding the 21# at the beginning and see what happens.
10  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Windows Mobile port? on: April 29, 2008, 10:04:30 pm
I just slapped a WM6.0 ROM with a 0 MB page pool setting onto my X50v just to see if performance would be acceptable, and I haven't had any filesys.exe issues yet.

Of course, I also tested the UQM port, and lo and behold, it works this time! However, the D-Pad is mapped incorrectly, still having its portrait mode orientation while the display is in landscape. If I try going into landscape beforehand, then the image doesn't display properly. It would be nice if that were fixed.

Oh, and as far as the HTC Mogul problems are concerned, did you try making a shortcut to UQM.exe with command line arguments to set the resolution to 320x240? (I'm not sure how else to help until I manage to let one of my classmates test UQM on her Mogul.)
11  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Interesting Star Control 4 tidbit - Activision in talks with Stardock at one on: April 17, 2008, 01:42:16 am
If Star Control 4 is made, I will buy it.  Same would apply for SC5, SC6, etc.

I think that would go for anyone here.  Smiley
Not necessarily. If SC4 is more like SC3 than SC2 in terms of quality, I'm probably not going to buy it.
12  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Interesting Star Control 4 tidbit - Activision in talks with Stardock at one poi on: April 13, 2008, 04:49:33 am
By any chance, did one of you post here?
13  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Windows Mobile port? on: April 10, 2008, 03:31:27 am
I tried the command line setting for creating a log file. No log files were ever created.

I even tried the QVGA resolution setting, but that still yielded nothing. (I shouldn't even have to do that on a Dell Axim X50v, though-it's VGA just like your X51v, only that it's meant to run WM2003SE rather than WM5.)

It also doesn't launch at all on my hx4700, either.

I guess I'll try installing WM6.1 on one of the two and see if that fixes it.
14  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Rant about the Wii. on: April 09, 2008, 11:33:25 pm
I'd like to see "head tracking" 3D games on Wii.

In case someone has been living between the wall and radiator, here is a video of what head tracking is:

I think it looks pretty damn cool.
To be honest, that's something that the TrackIR has done for years...however, it should be noted that a TrackIR 4 Pro costs over 100 US$ new, while you can head down to your typical brick-and-mortar store and buy a Wiimote for 40 US$. All he really needs to do is get it to work with whatever API the TrackIR uses for enhanced support(presumably by integrating support for it into Freetrack or whatever), and everyone can have head tracking for not much money spent!

Oh, and since this is a Wii thread, I might as well post my friend codes.

Console: 7686-2483-8783-3746
SSBB: 4725-7674-4076
15  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Interesting Star Control 4 tidbit - Activision in talks with Stardock at one poi on: April 09, 2008, 07:30:40 pm
TFB should still develop the actual game, but I'd rather see Stardock publish it given how they like to support their games down the road and avoid the use of copy protection. (Admitted, I don't own any Stardock titles, but that's just because of the simple fact that I'm not into 4X games where I'm not in direct control of a spacecraft. Maybe that'll change if I get a game development studio up and running and get them to be my publisher.)
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