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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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16  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: You know you're an insane SC2 fan[boy/girl] when... on: April 09, 2008, 07:26:29 pm
-You listen to Star Control/Precursor music at least five times a day.
This doesn't exactly fit me, but if my phone didn't suck, I'd try putting the 3DO HyperSpace theme on it as a ringtone.

-You call up your friends in the guise of Captain Fwiffo [even replicating his voice]
I'd really like to get my hands on any voice-masking program or device that makes me sound like a Spathi, just for the heck of it. Certainly, at least ONE such thing exists in the world...
17  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Windows Mobile port? on: April 09, 2008, 06:32:57 pm
I just got everything on the SD card ready to go, and...nothing. Whenever I tap uqm.exe on my X50v, I get pretty much the same effect as typing "xyzzy" in a text adventure; in other words, NOTHING HAPPENS.

I hope this isn't a port that requires Windows Mobile 5.0 or greater just to run-I'm sick of dealing with filesys.exe compaction thread slowdowns.
18  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Windows Mobile port? on: April 09, 2008, 12:00:41 am
For me, I get estimates of eight hours for a full download, and twice already I've been about halfway through, only for the download to screw up and start from the beginning again. I'm only getting 8.7 KB/s at the moment, which is atrociously low; my best speeds were in the range of 12 KB/s for that particular download when I can get almost 500 KB/s on other downloads with good hosts.

Still, it would have been nice if you gave us a binary anyway, even if mouse/touchscreen support isn't implemented yet. It's not like I can do anything useful with the source code.
19  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: You know you're an insane SC2 fan[boy/girl] when... on: April 08, 2008, 09:54:16 pm
-You run into a science classroom full of colorful, ball-and-stick atom model projects and think that the room is actually hosting a miniature Spathi invasion force

-You stare at gas giants using telescopes in the hope that you'll see glowy bits (you sick bastard)

-You go to the gas station to exchange Resource Units for Endurium (er, wait, wrong game)

...I already ran out.
20  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Poll: What SC race would you like most to be?! on: April 08, 2008, 09:46:53 pm
Just the Earthlings, humanity, homo sapiens, whatever. I don't feel like becoming a transracial.

That said, if I were to live my entire life as one particular race(so that I don't feel like I spurned my original race or something), I'd be interested in the Melnorme(information-based society)and Chenjesu(they seem pretty wise, plus it'd be interesting to find out how crystals can be sentient beings).
21  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Windows Mobile port? on: April 08, 2008, 07:29:52 pm
Great, I'm one step closer to getting it on my X50v(and probably my hx4700 too, though trying to play games like this on it would obviously suck).

The only problem is that the VMware image trickles onto my hard drive at a speed that makes 56k seem fast. Could there be a faster mirror for it?
22  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Gamespy ranks Star control 2 as #1 most wanted remaster! on: March 05, 2008, 12:21:15 am
Isn't this the reason why the UQM project exists in the first place?

As already mentioned, what we need is a NEW Star Control title, one that can live up to SC2-if that's even possible, given how this game is the closest to perfection yet IMHO. (Look at what happened to Star Control 3!)

Failing that, I'll create my own Star Control/Starflight-inspired space adventure and exploration game, though it'll certainly be very different(while the core gameplay still revolves around exploring space, collecting needed minerals from planets, and conversing/trading/fighting other sentient species, it would be played a bit more like a Battlecruiser/Universal Combat title sans the bugs and confusing interface; I'll also have to create my own original universe and sentient races).

(Now, if I could just figure out how to compile the WinCE port under Cygwin so that I could play it on the go and expose other people to this gem in the rough...)
23  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Windows Mobile port? on: February 23, 2008, 01:17:21 am
What? Is that the greatest game of all time running on an X51v?

Happy days and jubilation! I thought this day would never come, with my desperation for a Windows Mobile port of UQM about a year ago! (I'm sure the rest of you remember those threads I made about Palm OS and WM ports, and how I'd try miserably to compile some code and get it working myself. Hell, I even considered going so far as to pawn off my WM handhelds and buy a Nokia N810 instead...)

Now, we just need the following:

-Pre-compiled binaries and other files (To me, compiling is a big hassle with the potential to screw up somehow. I just want the finished product.)

-OpenGL-ES support (Several WinCE/WM handhelds have a form of OpenGL-ES graphics accelerator, most notably the Dell Axim X50v and X51v. If it were to be harnessed, it could be used for scaling purposes, much like a special PocketSNES port does.)
24  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Need Star Control II on: February 21, 2008, 04:01:01 pm
It's not often that I'd pay for a game that I could get for free LEGALLY, but damn it, I want that box and all of its contents!

(And, after that, I'll have to run off and buy the 3DO version. To top it all off, I need Amiga copies of both Starflight games-COMPLETE copies with the box, manual, disks, everything. Those games are ridiculously hard to find if you're not talking about Genesis/Mega Drive Starflight 1...)

However, the OP asked first, so I'll let him/her buy it.
25  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Does anyone else pity the ur-quan in the end? on: February 19, 2008, 11:06:57 pm
I'll just keep this short and simple, with none of the in-depth discussion.

While their motive does evoke some sorrow out of me(something I have not said and still cannot say about any other villain that I know of), it does not save them from instant, burning rape courtesy of my homing Hellbore Cannon projectiles.

(Now, if I could just conceive a villain even half as good as the Ur-Quan that's own take on a space adventure and exploration game set in a universe created from the ashes of this one has most of the remnants of humanity going off on a genocidal crusade in the hope of not being torn apart again by a war on Earth fought mostly by aliens manipulating the human population in search of a superweapon, which ultimately ended in the destruction of the planet and even this universe. It's still TOO inspired, as are many other aspects of this theoretical game. Maybe I just want a true Starflight or SC2 sequel THAT badly...)
26  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Best Free Game on: February 19, 2008, 04:03:23 am
Let's just say that the first time I fired up UQM 0.4.0 a few years ago was my very first time playing Star Control II in any form, and it quickly shot past classics like Magic Carpet 2, System Shock 2, and Deus Ex(the first two having plenty of nostalgic memories lodged in my brain)to hit the numero uno spot on my personal greatest games of all time list. Given the greatness of the three aforementioned titles, that is no small feat.

Oh, and if you think SC2 is bad at telling you what to explore next, I dare you to try and play Starflight(SC2's spiritual predecessor of sorts, and one that key personnel for SC2 such as Paul Reiche III have also worked on). That game seems even worse when it comes to figuring out where to go, though it could just be me.

(On the other hand, I DID need help from some fine folks here when trying to complete SC2, mostly having to do with things like the broken Ultron's location and other instances of necessary object locations not being mentioned in dialogue and thus being difficult to locate without seeking help outside of the game. Still, the experience was very, VERY worth it.)
27  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Old memories of Star Control 2 on: February 19, 2008, 03:52:45 am
Unfortunately, I have absolutely no nostalgic feelings associated with anything Star Control-related. The first time I even played the game was a few years ago, back in the UQM 0.4.0 days. I might have heard of it earlier, but held off since the remake may have strayed a bit too far from the original game as remakes tend to do.

Then, one day, I installed and played it...and my gaming life was changed forever. Probably because I have never played a game before whose characters actually evoked some sort of emotion from me, whether that be amusement from the Spathi or Zoq-Fot-Pik, slight sympathy for the Ur-Quan and their whole being mindslaves to the Dnyarri for so long, or general disdain for the racist VUX and that downright AWFUL emo-kid Utwig voice. (Okay, maybe I have had emotional responses to characters in other games, but not to the degree of the Star Control races.) It didn't take long for SC2 to shoot to the top of my personal greatest games of all time list, even toppling my nostalgia-filled experiences with Magic Carpet 2 and System Shock 2.

However, I suppose they'll become old memories several years from now, when I make SC2 the first game my children will ever play so that they get the proper nostalgic feeling, not to mention showing them what a great game truly is.

(Now, if only I had a time machine that I could use to instill two things into my childhood: Star Control II being the first, of course, but also a Commodore Amiga since I've always wanted to mess with a truly ahead-of-its-time computer in addition to tons of IBM PC clones and those 680x0 Macs that littered elementary schools. That Amiga would have both Starflight titles and possibly Star Control I bundled with it.)
28  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Cortex Command PR Build 19 intro with SC references? on: December 12, 2007, 04:20:30 am
Yes, you will now have to pay up to unlock all the features of newer builds. Currently at 18 US$, but the price will rise as the game becomes completed(much like Mount&Blade). Thus, it would be best to pay up 18 US$ now rather than 48 US$ later.
29  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Cortex Command PR Build 19 intro with SC references? on: December 10, 2007, 04:50:10 am
I haven't played the new build myself yet(I want to do so on my new PC that I've had for about a week, but I'm waiting for my 8800 GT 512 MB to replace my Trident 9685 placeholder graphics card and let me play my games again), so I can't verify this. But I don't see why they'd lie about something like this...

source thread

You see Fwiffo or whatever his/her/its name might be over to the left? The plant people also look a bit like the Supox.

(I think it's time to whip up some SC-related CC about some Orz infantry in water-filled power armor, for starters?)
30  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: How did you find out about uqm? on: November 18, 2007, 04:42:18 pm
I don't remember-it was a long time ago.

What I do remember was that UQM 0.4.0 was the latest version at the time, and that I may have heard of the project earlier, but shied away because I thought that, being a remake, it would have significantly altered some of the game mechanics, graphics, etc. like other remakes do.

Well, I gave it a shot, and soon I was kicking myself for never playing this game earlier. It soon managed to edge out the likes of Magic Carpet 2, System Shock 2, and Deus Ex as my personal greatest game of all time, and that is no small feat.

Sure enough, I had embraced everything about the game and became yet another member of the fanbase, plotting to do things like take over the world with Fwiffo plushies(which I still need to do), ravage everyone's eyes with glowy bits, make emo people wear masks and robes, and other sorts of crazy things.
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