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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Spathi... On the warpath..
on: January 09, 2003, 09:21:16 am
Good rendering...speaking of the Spathi they are on the warpath for shocked me when I did it, still shocks me...
In my last 2 matches, Chmmr vs Spathi (me piloting the Spathi), I'm 2-0 against the Computer.
Scarrrryyy... How is that possible? I thought the Spathi couldn't even damage the Chmmr because of the zap-sats...
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What question about SC do you most want answer
on: January 05, 2003, 02:18:43 am
Scott - Another very likely theory.
But I have another question: you know when you are supposed to find that monster for Admiral ZEX? He tells you it is in the constellation Linch-Nas-Ploh, in yellow light (ie yellow star) and translates to "the long thin creature who has swallowed the huge beast." What the hell kind of clue is that? This creature is in Delta Lyncis, so besides a vague similarity in the constellation name, and the fact that it's a yellow star (of which there are dozens), how would you ever find it?
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Frustrated Newbie needs help
on: January 05, 2003, 01:54:58 am
Besides Alpha Centauri, most of the nearby star systems suck. Basically you'll just have to tough it out and mine the nearby stars. Or you can exploit a bug in the game and get infinite RU's, but I'm sure you don't want to do that do you? But if for some reason you did, go to the Melnorme and ask them to fill up your fuel tanks. They will do it for fact they give you a credit. Then you can go back to Earth, sell the fuel, rinse and repeat. Personally, I found resourcing to be fun.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What question about SC do you most want answer
on: January 04, 2003, 12:35:23 pm
Here is my lame opinion: First of all the Arilou are from *above* and the Orz from *below*, which I think is a pretty blatant comparison to heaven and hell. The Arilou are trying to help you in many ways, and the Orz just make allies for what? To maybe exploit you sometime in the future. Like the devil tempting you with material goods to bind you to them. Next, I sort of remember the Orz saying that real space, or *heavy space* as they call it was much better than where they used to be. So I think they used to occupy this *below* dimension with all sorts of ghouls and hellish creatures whom they probably had conflict with, and when the Androsynth fooled around with interdimensional warp fatigue or whatever, they opened this portal to this dimension. All these ghouls and stuff came in along with the Orz, the ghouls killed off the Androsynth in a gruesome manner (remember the ship's scientist on the Androsynth world who found out too much and went insane and was getting slowly killed by these "cuts" opening on him in an increasing number.) Anyways, the ghouls could only exist for a short while here, maybe they require "hosts" or whatever, but the only way the two dimensions can intersect is with knowledge of their existence, or holes such as the Androsynth created. (Because as the scientist said, they are occupying the same space but different phases of reality, ie dimensions.) So maybe the Orz figured out a way to survive in our dimension: they learned to make *light projections* of themselves as they said. (Because as you may remember, when you meet them, and you say, "nice to see you," they say, "haha that is funny, you think you see us but all you are seeing is a *light projection*, or *fingers*, but they are just really Orz.) So it seems that they have found a way to somehow project themselves into our dimension, *heavy space*, while simultaneously continuing to reside in at least one other dimension, *below.* Anyways that's my *silly* theory. I guess I will know if I'm right if I get eaten or slowly mauled by some horrid interdimensional creature. 
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Tips for all newbies
on: January 04, 2003, 12:18:14 pm
If I remember correctly, the Melnorme said that only 3 point defense is the maximum effectiveness. Unfortunately, you never need more than one because at full power, you can kill an Ur-Quan before it even gets in range. Also, about the newbie tips, I started out a couple months ago and figured all those out pretty quick. We newbies aren't that newbie. 
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Surviving the Early Game
on: January 03, 2003, 03:33:19 am
Not pointless. If you have hung out here long enough you would know the developers explained this point very well. Dynamos have different purposes entirely than shiva furnaces though both contribute to energy output.
Search back and you will find VERY DETAILED explanations of the functions of each.
Well what is the difference then? As far as I can tell, there is no advantage of dynamos over shiva furnaces, because, as far as I can tell, all either of them do is regen energy, and the shiva does it much better.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What question about SC do you most want answer
on: December 29, 2002, 08:58:31 am
Here's my question: Are the Melnorme really the Mael-Num?
SC2 tells about when the Mael-Num, originally part of the Sentient Milieu, were about to be destroyed by the Kohr-Ah as part of their Eternal Doctrine, and they first invoked the Words: "Stop. Why are you doing this? What you are doing is wrong" (or something like that.) Anyways, the Kohr-Ah were so compelled to answer the question that while wasting time, the Ur-Quan were able to come along and fight the Kohr-Ah, and so the Mael-Num escaped. The Mael-Num are also described as a race of one-eyed creatures. What says you?