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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What question about SC do you most want answer on: December 04, 2002, 02:47:34 pm
No I mean.. The Androsynth got "taken care of" because they found out too much about the Orz, managed to "see" into their dimension and their true form, due to the experiments they were doing on their homeworld.

The scientist you send out to explore the research centers there goes mad, and possibly gets somehow attacked when he tries to find out more about it as well. He started cutting himself, and when they restrained him and brought back to the ship the cuts seemed to be just getting bigger. (it didnt give further info after that about what happened to him)

I'll probably play SC3 again to catch up with this again soon, I actually liked the story in that game too for the most part, gave great additional backgrounds when talking to the races from your home quadrant
2  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What question about SC do you most want answer on: December 04, 2002, 01:44:10 pm

You're completely right. But, I think Chad wanted to know if the Androsynth were really eaten or still alive somewhere as to wanting to know what the Orz did. Anyway, SCIII didn't have the Supox in it, (TFB wouldn't let them put them in for some reason are another) so I don't think they explain anything about them either. However, I could be wrong (I didn't even finish the game because I was so annoyied by the horror that is SCIII).

You're partially right.. The Supox themselves were not in the game, no, because they got killed by someone. You found the wrecks of their ships in the beginning and were able to trace the damage done to them to Orz ships, and if I recall right you had a similar situation with them as you did with the Androsynth.. Including when you talk to the Orz about them. But what I don't remember is how much of the whole story you found out with the game.

I think it's time to dig up the cd from somewhere and play it again Tongue
3  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What question about SC do you most want answer on: December 04, 2002, 01:22:14 pm
I'd like to know what happened to the Androsynth.  But I'd like any of these *important* answers to come from Toys for Bob themselves.  I'd prefer that if they think there is any chance for a sequel, to leave them unanswered.  I see no reason to just drop all their "ideas" on us to just satisfy our curiosities.

I always thought the story inside the game(s) gave a pretty good general idea, mostly from exploring the research centers on the Androsynth homeworld + random info from talking to the Orz and Arilou, partially also from SC3.

The Androsynth were experimenting on some dimensional fatigue phenomena based on some precursor artifacts they found, and ended up finding the Orz on the "other side", which would've been them in their true form, since they're only reflections of some sort to this dimension or *fingers* as they say in 3. And the Orz apparently dont like people finding out about them..

It's no official answer to what happened, but I think it gave a good picture of it eventhough it didn't go to exact details. Been ages since I touched SC3 though so hopefully I remembered everything. I forget if the Supox had the same fate, it may have been explained but memory a bit blurry
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