Think about it, mabey the arilou are useing us for somthing, just we never get to figure out what, now that you medtion it, they want to protect us... protect us from what? it cant be the ur-quan thats for sure mainly cause they dissapper after the slave shield went up over earth, this is one mystery we never get to figure out
Really? Then whats the point of sending the thradash to go bomb half of there race in half? I mean you dont really need to do that to get the aqua helix, unless... its there for the heck of it
Why do I get the impression we are all going to die very very soon... *gulp* like as in someone screws up in a nucler plant and destroys 25% of america then we get piss say its Europe's then world war 3 begins we kill all the Europens then everyone else trys to kill us we kill them... then i dunno what happens after that
Hehe while i was looking through the Pc Gamers magazine *which I didnt even think we were still getting at the time* i saw a section called the "Bad to the Bone" and it was about the top 7 game villains and guess what is number 3 in the list? yes... its the ur-quan and the kor-ah who were beaten by ultima VII in 2nd and in 1st System Shock 2
anyways to my surprise to even see star control here in the first place anyways i find it intreasting since there is a ton of other villans that can take its place =)
Great... now im going to have nightmares of being abucted still i would think of it as a human with 2 long tentical arms with 2 normal arms... muscular of course with a freaky medusa head and with 6 stickly like octipus legs and for the groin area... lets just keep that classified ^^
what would be nice is to have the retreat function from the main part of the game to the super melee so you could retreat and bring in another ship but if the retreated ship was damaged it would stay damaged
I thought decimate ment to compleatly rid of? but does it really matter in the end? either way most people will interpert kill, destroy, decimate Ect ect as to well kill and get rid of
Well thats the most Co-op you can get out of this game ^^ Or what you could do is have a small strange object floating close to the precurser ship which the 2nd player controls
Here is a intreasting thought, how about both players control the precurser vessel like one controls the movement of the ship while the other controls the weapons