If there were a mod, would you want EVERY star re-arranged or just major stars?
Just to clarify, you are you talking about just moving stuff to different systems, not just moving stars cooridinates?
I would only want to put everything important on entirely different stars. ie Sylandro are at Beta Sagitarri or something, Zex's Monster in a different recognizable constellation (like Horologi could be "It basks in yellow light in the 'Bloody Eye') . Possibly have rainbow worlds pointing another direction. Maaybe even swap around certain spheres of influence and homeworld locations.
I literally don't know anything about the capabilities of modding to this game. Would it be hard to add just text in the dialouge for clues towards the new locations?
I know it would still be easy for people who know the game by heart, because you would still know what you're looking for, but it would make it harder. The first time I ever beat this game I was like 8 or 9 and I'm pretty sure I used a lot of guides. I wish there was some way to play through it totally from scratch.