That said, I don't quite see the point in a game you can't lose. Where's the challenge?
Possibly because some people game to relax as they have more than enough challenges in their day to day lives. After struggling with getting NASA's SAN back online so that they can launch the Shuttle, I sure as Hell don't want to play a game that is going to frustrate me further than I already am.
Personally, I think any further development should be about refining the current codebase to weed out the bugs that are outstanding and then improving on the already existing design and content. It makes little sense to ad-hoc "features" in to a game that, frankly, doesn't require it. I've always believed that the SC universe was always about the story, not how well you click the arrow, shift and enter keys. This may come as a shock, but some of us don't even like the combat although we acknowledge the necessity of it for the defense of our beloved Precursor ship.