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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Graphic Enhancement Thread on: May 18, 2006, 09:54:13 pm
About the Ur-Quan. The orange thing at the center of ship would be better without black arcs over it. If you don't mind, please, try to remove all the black lines over orange thing in the newestest version, it may look better.
2  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: So this is an "Asteroids" type game on: May 07, 2006, 08:08:08 am
Recently there has been developed the "VALVE" system of game timing, in which how one performs in an early part of the game determines the speed or pressure of subsequent assaults. If that isn't applied to this remake, the time will come when the people who played this game when it first came out will no longer be able to.

Do you mean the gamers are currently degrading into dumblivion? Wink Well, SC2 (UQM) is meant to be tough, and so it is.

If someone wants a-cute-boring-3D-same-plot-and-GFX-everytime simulator, he must go and buy few DVDs from a local store. It doesn't matter which one he buys, they are all essentially the same. UQM is a different (that's why it's still popular, after so much years have passed).
3  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Is this game any good? on: April 02, 2006, 09:26:16 am
Have been playing SC2 from the very beginning. It's surprising to find out numerous bugs fixed in UQM (THANKS THANKS THANKS). It was quite hard to play original DOS game 'cause of random hangs in StarMap (and sometimes in alien dialogs).

It's of course great to find new GFX here. I'm with UQM since 0.2 and was watching the progress almost each week. Have built some CVS versions with my own hands Smiley since then. This game can be called 'classical' for sure, because it's alive and kicking nowadays, while most #$%^ 3D shooters SUCK...
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