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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -No news yet
on: July 26, 2007, 08:36:28 am
300 frames, by the way, is only about 10 seconds at 30 fps which is standard for most digital mediums and what i'm going to guess these animations are at. (If you use 24fps, standard for film and american hand drawn animation, you get 12.5 seconds).
Yus, that /is/ what he said. "Frame 300, (10 seconds in) will be a pose for information overlay." What is teh point you's trying to raise here?
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Your Nickname's Origin?
on: July 19, 2007, 11:29:52 pm
And that, also, is why Kaelos talks in the third person, because it's been a running joke since that day that he has no personal pronouns since he lost his i. That, and it seems to annoy certain people, always a plus.
Well, if that is your aim then your are succeding! I can presume and hope that if you hang around the UQM for much longer you'll start talking like a normal hunam. Normal? Kaelos? Nevar happening, nevernever. Except the odd occasion where he is too tired to remember, but it /is/ a fairly deeply engrained habit, so not likely to happen
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Games that inspired you, and you'd like to pass on...
on: July 19, 2007, 03:50:29 pm
xD Kaelos is going to go really nerdy here, and say that the games that inspired him were the first two Final Fantasys. The first one is about just four anonymous people, out to save the world, because hey, somebody's gotta do it. Kaelos gets told off a lot for ascribing emotions to the characters, but that game's always had a feeling of resigned acceptance to him. They don't really wanna do it, and they know damn well they're probably going to get the crud beaten out of them repeatedly, but they go off to do it anyway, because it needs doing. That's gutsy. Even if you're just a handful of pixels on a TV being controlled by a little grey box with some rectangles plugged in xD The second one is much more human, and on a smaller scale as well. Well, at least it starts on a smaller scale. Even now that Kaelos has got the Dawn of Souls remake, he's never managed to actually finish it. But three lost kids, joining a group of rebels to fight off the evile empire, and track down their lost friend, despite unimaginable odds? Again, gutsy xD For the record, Kaelos' first memory is being bounced on his dad's knee as he ventured through Kary's volcano xD So he does have an affinity for these games.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Your Nickname's Origin?
on: July 19, 2007, 03:36:41 pm
Wullh. Kaelos has a bit of an interesting name, and he only uses it in about three sites. See, long time ago, he'd just sat down to his first game of UQM. But whatever should he name his captain? Normally, he names his characters Pyrogoeth (another nickname, with a dumb, Runescape related story behind it, so don't ask) or Pyleic (A combination of the aforementioned Pyrogoeth, and his first and one of his middle names, Eric and Alex, coined by an old friend who called him all three), but none of them seemed right.
Well, he tried naming his captain Artur, and his ship the Excalibur, but that got boring. So, off he went to do some random web browsing while he thought.. Later that day, he went to the lake, and had fun, and when he got home, he decided to just forget about naming the Captain anythign special and just give him the first word he thought of. Which happened to be Lakes, for obvious reasons. But, his sister said that was a dumb name, so he made it Laekios, for good measure. Then, of course, his brother decided that that wasn't manly enough, so Kaelos re-arranged the letter to the less melodic Kaelos. The i got lost somewhere.
And that, also, is why Kaelos talks in the third person, because it's been a running joke since that day that he has no personal pronouns since he lost his i. That, and it seems to annoy certain people, always a plus.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What videos? CGI For UQM
on: July 19, 2007, 02:23:35 pm
I was referring to when they open. And there are a few sketches of them in the SC1 manual, if I recall correctly. They looked an awful lot like green versions of the Cacodemons from Doom. (Well, in the manual, they were black and white, but I would assume that they are green.)
There was a sketch in the SC manual, but as Kaelos recalls, they were more like short slugs, that looked like a Klingon's forehead, ringed with teeth and/or tentacles.. Allow Kaelos to see if he can't find his manual and hit you guys with a scan.. Also, that bubble demo was /serious/ awesome EDIT: Scanual ahoy, cap'n! "Removing VUX Limpets After a Battle"
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Orz ambiguity (or "Conspiracy theory")
on: July 19, 2007, 02:13:28 pm
Just Kaelos' two cents, but.. Presuming that the "many bubbles" are molecules/atoms, it strikes him that fingers could either be direct telepathic projections, /or/, (a bit of a stretch, he knows, but bear with him), perhaps waves? Structures of pure energy waves/radiation? That would explain the "solid" comments from the Arilou.. Like, humankind (and presumably the other TrueSpace races) are living in a dimension that contains both waves and particles, and perhaps QuasiSpace is sheer particles, and whatever the Orz come from is simply waves? (Not ver' good at physics, so Kaelos isn't even sure if this makes sense. And it probably isn't helping that he talks in the third person.) Heck, could even be both.. Telepathically-created constructs of waves o.O;; Dunno. Just bored and up late, so wanted to contribute to the lovely out-of-the-Orzinary conversation
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: I.. Am going.. to cry..
on: June 05, 2006, 04:34:13 am
I feel quite loved now. Thanks, guys, this thread has been giving me sorely-needed laughs. And by the way, the cyanide pizza idea /rocks/ Never going to /do/ it, but it rocks. Sadly, I think a shutdown of this thread is needed before we all get arrested Thanks for the memories, all!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / I.. Am going.. to cry..
on: April 24, 2006, 08:52:25 am
>.> After six months of playing UQM, I finally managed to track down a copy of the 3d0 CD of SC2, so I could at last toss in the intro and ending movies.. Jewel case, wrapped in sealed plastic and everything. I got it at the pawn shop for $6 ("NO REFUNDS! NO EXCEPTIONS!"), and lost it while we were moving.. I found it again.. I finally got around to unwrapping it, and.. IT WAS EMPTY! GAHHHHH! Bloody pawnie must've found an empty case and wrapped it in heatshrink plastic wrap or something.. >.<