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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Your favorite race?
on: October 02, 2006, 07:52:37 am
I LOVE THE SHOFIXTI the honor the rage there love of battle and if i was to take one step down from my favorite it would have to be the Ors those fish are funny campers lol
"A huge ship you must be Ur quan i will kill you Aieeeee" "we blow up our own sun well made it flare any ways he he he he"
can't have better line then those i qoated from the Shofixti i consider myself Shofixti there for......
Wodahs "Die Ur Quan i will avenge our home world and rip you limb from limb you ugly slug of a brain aiiieeeeeee"
and my lest favorite races are in first place the Ilwrath with there clockng ships and in 2nd is the anoying Ur Quan group that fly the black ship
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: A SC4 Suggestion Thread for those who know MMORPG is not the answer.
on: October 02, 2006, 07:18:17 am
first off i hated the demo in SC3 the most of the weapons was near worthless i guss that what happen when you think you can take a good game from a good company and make it better at least in 2 the ship all had a real attack.
in four i wish to see all ship armed and the option of a fleet battle or the old fasion one i want both to be open i like watching fleet battle more the one man heros but at time i like being the one man hero so open both option it would make for a very good game what made battlezone a good game was there option you could drive off and be a one man hero or take along some tank and swarm your foes options are what i like the most about games and i don't mean no fot menu and the shofixti are my faviote race mostly because of they warriors hart and the way they talk.
i would like to see more conquest options in it
oh and the 3D thing on 3 made me queasy keep it two player man and if done right it could go MMORPG but only if it like Savage and Guild wars buy the game and play it for free i hate MMORPG fee stuff the Savage company is also nice enoth to giv e there game free now
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Frungy minigame inside Ur-Quan Masters is waiting to be made
on: October 02, 2006, 07:06:09 am
well first of if you were to make Frungy aka their version of football it would have to be violent like football and played like soccer, more on this is that they are frog or maybe toads which means hopping must be involed and the blue female one was the only into it so her race is the players and who give a fot whos fot or pik of foq the one in the back never had a say in this.
oh yeah it would take the fun out of the not knowing what frungy is to i love coming up with many thing it can be there is a socer
but what do i care of small they were to late join in the alliance of free stars and we shofixti payed for with the lifes of bilions good Ur Quan kill though lol.