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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Melee league - register your interest!
on: January 25, 2007, 08:23:02 pm
Yeah, i accept that its a pretty crappy time for those in the Americas. The next league will probably be 24 hours later - i.e. Sat afternoon in the US and Sat night in Europe.
The trouble with a midweek league is that, due to time zones, it would really only be suitable for those in North America (which may or may not be 90% of SC people -i dont know. I wonder if anyone somehow has info on WHERE uqm users live? Would be useful.
One solution is to have two seperate leagues - one aimed at the Americas and one for the rest of the world - with a World Series between the two champs!
Anyway, at this stage i'm putting my toe in the water - if i get six on Friday I will be happy enough! I'll get to see how the mechanics of the league work out.
I'm hoping to run one league every 3 months. I'm also planning monthly KO tournements.
Anyway, see some of you tomorrow!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Ur-Quan Dreadnought to be re-named "Turdboat"
on: January 25, 2007, 09:23:08 am
Trouble with that is that AI is useless with Ur-Quan. The comp will mindlessly follow you - and with a Druuge that's suicide. All an ur-quan needs to do is keep its distance and send fighters out selectively. The druuge would have to recoil to escape the fighters, and I suspect, recoil into the path of the ur-quan's rapid-fire fusion blaster.
You should try switching ships and see how you go with a Quan against a mauler - or play a human
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Melee league - register your interest!
on: January 24, 2007, 07:18:50 am
CHENJESU CHALLENGE - winter league
Right, there haven't' been enough dissenting voices so the league will run as scheduled over the next three Fridays 5pm EST.
See original post (top of thread) for league details. Be at the UQM-arena (it's a freenode IRC) at 5pm EST (10pm london, 2pm LA) Friday.
Anyone welcome - if you need help finding freenode (like i did) post a query on this forum and someone will sort you out.
So to reiterate: Melee League Friday 5pm EST
I 'm calling it the Chenjesu Challenge - just to make it seem exciting
See you there!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Ur-Quan Dreadnought to be re-named "Turdboat"
on: January 23, 2007, 05:14:12 am
I reckon, point for point, an ur-quan should outclass a chenjesu, utwig, spathi, druuge, spathi, syreen, VUX, ilwrath. in addition, it should foot it on equal terms with a kohr-ah, yehat, mycon and shofixti. Of course i'm just guessing really! I'd be up for some experimentation at some stage.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Melee league - register your interest!
on: January 20, 2007, 01:50:54 am
I'm administering a melee league at the UQM arena on 26/1, 2/2 and 9/2 from 5pm EST. 3 consecutive Fridays
Come along if you can! If lots of people register interest over the next few days then i'll consider adjusting the format as outlined below to accommodate
Time where you live Sat 7am Tokyo Sat 9am Sydney Sat 11am Auckland Fri 2pm Los Angeles Fri 5 pm New York Fri 10 pm London Fri 11 pm Paris
Tournament structure 8 players - first 8 to show up and register (just an IM) play regular season (7 rounds) semi finals and final 9 rounds total over 3 Fridays (3 games per week) 2 pts win, 1 pt tie, 0 pts loss Scores recorded - (points left after melee) e.g. 30-0 if you're left with a Kohr-Ah Not showing up for game = default loss by 100-0 Standings and results will be updated after each round and posted on the forum (this thread probably) and UQM-arena
Schedule (all EST) 26 Jan 17.00 Check-in/Register 26 Jan 17.45 Round 1 26 Jan 18.30 Round 2 26 Jan 19.15 Round 3 2 Feb 17.00 Check-in 2 Feb 17.45 Round 4 2 Feb 18.30 Round 5 2 Feb 19.15 Round 6 9 Feb 17.00 Check-in 9 Feb 17.45 Round 7 9 Feb 18.30 Semi-finals 9 Feb 19.15 Final
Game rules Maximum 225 pts per fleet maximum one of each ship type per fleet
Details of the above can be adjusted if I get a chorus of correspondence requesting changes in the next few days. Now's the time to comment
What say you starship captains!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Useless UQM Trivia
on: January 12, 2007, 09:16:46 am
Wow, what are the chances - that would have been a very very cool event. I hope to God SC4 is released after i've finished study - I dont think i could deal with both at once. I too want to stay up to 2am randomly stumbling across exciting finds after hours of boringness. I think its why soccer is so popular - a goal an hour - cant go wrong with that formula. Except i love SC and dislike soccer.
u know'm sayn!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Best value ships
on: December 22, 2006, 06:55:51 am
Hi all,
I'd like to hear from you all which ships you think are the best value (or worst value), starbucks-wise, for Melee and why.
I'll start!
Androsynth Guardian - I reckon this should be a couple of points extra - maybe 17. This ship is more than the equal of the Slylandro, Supox or Druuge. It can evade most ships just by virtue of its bubble clouds. In my experience it does more that 15 points worth of damage to most ships.
Chmmr Avatar - Outclasses Kohr-Ah and Ur-Quan and makes VERY short work of the Chenjesu. Essential agaisnt annoying fast ships like the Spathi, Pkunk, Slylandro and Arilou. Should be 33 pts
Utwig Jugger - I think most people have twigged on to this - should be 25 pts.
Ilwrath - purpose built for destroying earthlings in SC1 - a lame duck in SC2 - drop it 1 or 2 points.
Yehat - again, not the irrestistable force it was in SC1. The speed of SC2 on modern systems (I find) means that using the shields effectively is very difficult. Drop it to 20 points!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Tactics and strategy of SC ships
on: November 22, 2006, 10:58:51 pm
I wonder, before this thread develops any further, if people should consider a number of things: 1) Would the screen wrap? I wonder how this could work 2) Would ships sustain damage from frienly fire? Perhaps yes, or perhaps no except the mycon plasmoid or any other self-damaging weapons 3) On what ship would homing weapons lock on to? The nearest enemy craft? or perhaps you toggle the ship you are targetting - defaulting to the nearest (would require an extra control button).
Having multiple ships in one arena changes so many dynamics of melee play, and, as discussed earlier would no doubt affect the values of each ship. Im thinking the Ilwrath Avenger would be super deadly as with no relative position it will be extremely defficult to locate