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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Two Joysticks, but not two players? on: October 31, 2006, 04:50:21 pm
I hope I am missing something here, but I have tried the obvious fix for this and it does not work!

In the keys.cfg there are configurations for two joysticks - but if you look, both the first and second joystick bindings are set to "Player-1"'s controls. So, after configuring both joysticks they only work for player-1, and this is not very conducive to Super Melee! So, when I go and replace all of the Second Joystick's player references from 'Player-1' to 'Player-2' the game refuses to start!

The only fix I have found is to comment out a whole lot of the "Second Joystick" controls section, and replace "Player 2's Flight Controls" keyboard bindings with joystick bindings. This makes Super Melee playable. But, it seems to me that we should be able to set Player-2 as the owner for bindings on the "Second Joystick" - but we can't - it seems.

Am I missing something?

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