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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Fwiffo and vegetables
on: November 29, 2008, 11:19:31 pm
I assumed it meant he would just naturally assume that if you were threatening him with it, it must be threatening. Or that the remote possibility that the vegetable was actually some kind of weapon would be enough, er, motivation for him--that even an obviously empty threat would be too much of a threat for him to stand up to.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What's with all the Starcon3 Hate?
on: September 19, 2008, 06:59:26 am
Did you judge the game on its own merits , or stick to the fanboi credo of judging everything by comparing it to your "standard" favorite game?
No, it's probably not fair to compare every game to one's favorite. It would be bizarre to hold, say, Quake or Sims 2 or Smash Bros or whatever, up against SC2 and find it lacking; they're too different for a meaningful comparison of that type. But. SC3 isn't just any game; it was SC2's sequel. A direct continuation of the same story. I think it's entirely fair to compare the two; if you're going to explicitly build off of something that already exists then it's going to be compared to what went before, in terms of overall quality, preserving continuity and not contradicting existing canon, keeping everyone in-character, whether mysteries from previous canon are resolved in a good way or a lame way, game mechanics (or special effects, or writing quality, or art, depending on the medium) being at least as good, etc etc. Plus, it's not just a matter of, "This isn't as good as SC2, therefore it sucks." There's a hefty dose of, "They changed it and made it suck!" There's a sense of wasted potential. (See Exhibit A: Star Wars Trilogies.)
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: About The Time Mod & The De-Cleansing Mod
on: September 16, 2008, 02:20:36 am
If you want to test it, you could always park your ship in hyperspace and come back to your computer half an hour later  Good idea. But problem is that, Probe will appear and atack me >_> ....I must go to Beta Corvi and park in HyperSpace lol! Quasispace is better for just parking. I mean, after you go to Beta Corvi, you just get the code; it doesn't make the probes disappear all at once. So you park there, leave for a couple hours, and then come back to find it asking if you want to fight or talk.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Animations
on: June 27, 2008, 01:21:47 am
Nice work waywardoctagon.
I think that speed of GIF animation doesn't depend on computer that is playing it.
If you set the delay to zero seconds, computer will run it as fast as it can, if there is no frame limiter. (Internet Explorer have it but old Firefoxes doesn't i think)
If you set frame delay to for example to 0.1sec computer shows it that time, if you set it to 10s that frame shows 10 seconds.
Thanks. Really? I'd had an experience before where an animation (with a longer delay than the minimum, I think) played differently in different browsers (on the same computer). I thought perhaps they handled them differently, somehow.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: A theory about Vux-Orz relations...
on: June 20, 2008, 09:48:36 am
It might also just be that the VUX, as a Hierarchy race, felt obligated to find out what happened to their fellow Thrall race. Not out of any obligation to the (urk) hideous Andrsoynth themselves, but out of a healthy self preservation instinct. I doubt the Ur-Quan would be terribly happy to hear that the VUX didn't show the least bit of interest in this potential threat against their masters.
Seems likely... especially since the Orz say specifically that it was because they asked about the Androsynth too much, as opposed to just general hostility.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Animations
on: June 03, 2008, 02:27:43 am
Yes, more frames means a larger file size, all other things being equal. But for something like this, you can make the frames themselves smaller, since the entire image doesn't change, just a small part of it. That cuts the overall size down.