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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: What if you woke up, and the Ur-Quan sounded more like this... on: March 03, 2007, 09:16:23 am
Thanks for the suggestions. I didn't really choose the best Ur-Quan example, actually that particular one is meant to be a little flat as it is a recording.

I don't agree with this. At all.

It is in the Ur-Quan best interest to make scary recording for them to be obeyed. In fact that recording should be scary as hell. The crew that listens to the recording should literally crap their pants after hearing it. A scary crew is a crew more prone to listen to the Ur-Quan. Using a flat voice destroy the fear the recording is supposed to convey.

Beside, it is important for the player of the game to be scared by the Ur-Quan. Scariness provides the player intense emotions, as well as extra motivation to wipe out the Ur-Quan. Honestly I remember cursing and feeling hopeless when I first listened to that recording. Yours do not provoke nearly the same emotional impact, due to the flat tone.
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