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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Related Game?
on: April 07, 2007, 06:35:01 am
Hi all. I love this game, but when I play it I can't help but think of an old game I played on my father's computer years ago. I don't recall any resource gathering or the like, but the battles have similair controls to my memory except that the game I'm thinking of was a much closer view. What really reminds me of it though are the Ur-Quan Dreadnought and the Ilwrath Avenger. Both are incredibly similair to ships I recall from the game and I'd even go as far to say they are identical seeing as I remember one of the first "missions" you can get is retrieving a replacement cloaking device for an Avenger like ship.
Anyone have any idea what game I might be thinking of so I can finally stop wondering about it at the very least?