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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / ...No weapons? Help! on: December 15, 2007, 09:25:17 pm
Hi there folks!

I have never played this game before, but it certainly looks like a good deal of fun and after watching a lot of Firefly recently, it seems like this game could give me a fix!

However, my ship seems to have no weapons!

I have looked everywhere that I can, I have done what I guess is the first 'Quest', but I still do not have a weapon. I have tried using every button on the keyboard, looked in the Device Area, and even tried to use the one Device thing that I 'acquired' from a certain lunar spot... yet still no guns.

How do I go about obtaining a weapon, so the ugly bugger that comes to kill me stops raising it's kill count...

Help!  Sad
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