Dancing Fungus
This program is 3D Studio MAX - is hard to learn software like this for one month...
I work 15 years with it ...
I don't speak to gather 10 freelance fans to make something without money... Some fan remake ...
I speak to collect money and make a financial support to creators of SC2 to make new 2D sequel of SC2 but with great
graphics, music and new storyline ... Maby will be more realistic then new GREAT 3D ...
Downgrade ... i don't think even for a second to downgrade graphics or anything!...
Is this necessary to make one screen (in planet orbit - for example) renewed in 1024x768 to
convince you that is possible ...?
Perfect created 2D is better then low polygonal angular 3D ...
People think that if one game is 2D is shit... thay are totally wrong ... Something beautiful is beautiful !!!
Something invented professional with feeling and desire cannot be rejected!!!
Why we need SC3 - 3D - becouse we need space simulator ..? Because 3D will give us some unbelievable look???
Or we will be modern like most games but games that we forgot 2 days after we finish them!!!
I'm not sure that i want to play some totally different SC with 100 new features that can be total crash of old feeling ...
And will broke my good memorys...
I don't think that 3D will make SC greater than now .. the game is enough unique and perfect created...
Sometimes changes are not the perfect choise... we can compare some movies and other game titles ..
1st title is great - second is full .....Shi ......t...!
This game is very special we cannot risk with experiments ...
OK i think that we can wait little bit more (BUT NOT! another 16 years and TFB is good to tell us howmany petitions are already signed ...) and if Activision reject SC3 to start with our own idea to finance TFB for sequel!
There is ways to make SC3 !!!
Production can be transfered to other country to other developers to help TFB where the price for realization will be lower...
Ofcource with general supervising from TFB, concept art, storyline and everything that is necessary
I'm little sceptic that Activison will agree to finance SC3...
Now the era of 3d shooters will be hard to convince them that the unique SC will broke the market ...
If Activision start that project i'll be the most happy fan in the world ...
I don't want TFB to loose profits ofcource!!!
I only share my ideas and this is becouse i'm one of the biggest fan of that game!!!
I have so much things that i want to tell you but if i start i'll write a trilogy!

I don't want to broke no one interests!!!
And i hope TFB and all of you will understand me ...!