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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) on: October 06, 2008, 04:46:04 pm
Hi guys  Smiley

Wazzap ... i think it's time to make a pre-order for the collectors edition  Grin

Heh i wait this day from a long time ...

I hope soon will be some progress with Activision.
2  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) on: September 03, 2008, 02:46:32 pm
Another two pictures from Bulgaria and Russia are sent!!!

many more will be made this days and will be sent.

Here in BG many people know SC II and like it.

3  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) on: February 26, 2008, 09:17:26 pm
Wait wait wait...

I say .. if contract with Activision collapse TFB are free to make with SC everything right... or i miss something???

TFB need help from US with petition. This petition is important for contract with Activision ...
If Activision reject to publish SC4 TFB maby will search for another publisher or will leave this idea for new SC...

If this happend the only one hope for SC is if we collect money and give them to TFB to start the project ...
I think Publishers will be concerned from SC if they see some progress, some demo or whatever ...

I think there is nothing more that i can say ...
I'm not sure is this possible really WE fans to collect some serious SUM ...
If we need 200 000$ only for the idea from Paul ... then ... HUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!! A SERIOUS PROBLEM ...

I want SC4 so much that i'm ready to make half artwork!!! Smiley))

4  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) on: February 26, 2008, 02:25:24 pm
We cannot make SC2 sequel alone!
If we make something will be game that looks like sc2...
This is not small project ... TFB only can make this!

Art must be in one style ...
Music must be in this great SC 2 style ...
Storyline must be similar like sc2

If we start with freelance without concept art that is approved from one designer ... everything will be different...

When i start with this idea for Sequel maybe i wasn't so clean .... my English is no so good and sometime is hard to express myself, my ideas and feelings...

Will try to explain in few lines ...

The best possible scenario is:
TFB make a contract with Activision and start new sequel with the same idea, feeling, music, storyline... GREAT!!!

Other way is: If contract drop off our hope for SC2 is doomed ...
The only way to see another SC2 in this situation is:

a) TFB make this game alone with their own finances ..... (is hard)

b)We the real fans (if we are.. but this can be easy proof) start to collect money and give them to TFB for that new SC
Help them if is necessary with art work...

But i'm not sure that WE ARE THE REAL FANS ready to make this ...
Is very easy to stay here in that forum speak and cry for SC4  but HARD TO COLLECT MONEY ... SC4 will remain only dream without money!!!

I will stop to write because i'm so disappointed...
5  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Need Star Control II on: February 20, 2008, 08:46:08 am
Hi guys ... i want to buy Star Control II in BOX  full set

If someone can sell please contact me .. i search for some good condition box

6  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) on: January 24, 2008, 10:18:03 pm
Remake is not so interesting ... we have allready Ur-Quan Masters ...
Interesting is Star Control 3!!! new storyline ... Sequel of SC2

Ok then... now we wait to see what will happend with Activison ....

If thay reject we can speak with TFB for any possible options to continue Star Control 2 ...
With our financial help or something else!

7  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) on: January 24, 2008, 07:21:43 pm
Of course not ...
Money talks!!!
The money are reason people to make mistakes in any attitude...
See Hollywood movies ... everything is for MONEY not for the idea like early years...

If they make something all 3-d and fancy, more idiots will buy it, even if the plot sucks ass. If it is 2-d with a good story, we might buy it but the idiots won't. Now calculate the number of idiots who like pretty things versus the number of people like us.

This is the sad truth...
If you want to see SC made for that PAYING idiots ok i don't want...
TFB can make some other fancy 2D -3D - 4D game for money... why SC why that great game ...?
I understand them 1000% thay are company that must survive ... and thay are righ! I work in company in that bussines too ...

But i sincerely ask them to think for US the real fans - to try to keep the idea of SC2, the great feeling, to make something different not the next game that will be failure...

I don't want to be disappointed!!! not from Star Control!!! Not again!

I see that idea fans to collect the money to finance that project is IMPOSSIBLE...

Then we can wait to see Activision wat will do ...

8  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) on: January 23, 2008, 11:11:15 pm
Dancing Fungus
This program is 3D Studio MAX - is hard to learn software like this for one month...
I work 15 years with it ...

I don't speak to gather 10 freelance fans to make something without money... Some fan remake ...
I speak to collect money and make a financial support to creators of SC2 to make new 2D sequel of SC2 but with great
graphics, music and new storyline ... Maby will be more realistic then new GREAT 3D ...

Downgrade ... i don't think even for a second to downgrade graphics or anything!...
Is this necessary to make one screen (in planet orbit - for example) renewed in 1024x768 to
convince you that is possible ...?
Perfect created 2D is better then low polygonal angular 3D ...
People think that if one game is 2D is shit... thay are totally wrong ... Something beautiful is beautiful !!!
Something invented professional with feeling and desire cannot be rejected!!!

Why we need SC3 - 3D - becouse we need space simulator ..? Because 3D will give us some unbelievable look???
Or we will be modern like most games but games that we forgot 2 days after we finish them!!!

I'm not sure that i want to play some totally different SC with 100 new features that can be total crash of old feeling ...
And will broke my good memorys...

I don't think that 3D will make SC greater than now .. the game is enough unique and perfect created...

Sometimes changes are not the perfect choise... we can compare some movies and other game titles ..
1st title is great - second is full .....Shi ......t...!
This game is very special we cannot risk with experiments ...

OK i think that we can wait little bit more (BUT NOT! another 16 years and TFB is good to tell us howmany petitions are already signed ...) and if Activision reject SC3 to start with our own idea to finance TFB for sequel!

There is ways to make SC3 !!!
Production can be transfered to other country to other developers to help TFB where the price for realization will be lower...
Ofcource with general supervising from TFB, concept art, storyline and everything that is necessary

I'm little sceptic that Activison will agree to finance SC3...
Now the era of 3d shooters will be hard to convince them that the unique SC will broke the market ...

If Activision start that project i'll be the most happy fan in the world ...

I don't want TFB to loose profits ofcource!!!

I only share my ideas and this is becouse i'm one of the biggest fan of that game!!!
I have so much things that i want to tell you but if i start i'll write a trilogy! Wink

I don't want to broke no one interests!!!
And i hope TFB and all of you will understand me ...!
9  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) on: January 22, 2008, 11:00:29 pm
Heh ...

Dancing Fungus
i'm not sure that we cannot collect enough money ...
2D project is many times cheap then 3D
There is no impossible things in that world...

Star Control deserve this - 10, 20, 30 , 50$ that we can spend ...

Howmany fans are here on that forum - please tell me ...
I know if i don't do something i'll never see new SC .. i'm sure!!!

Ok let's start to make this register and check howmuch we can collect for 1 month... ("only on paper")
if we see interest and readiness in that initiative we can start real collecting trough bank or some other way ...(will discuss later)

Eeveryone is free to decide howmuch is enough for him ...

First 50$ are from me ...

This is Star Base that  i still working on - cost 0$

There is so many talent 2D and 3D artists in the world ... i'm sure that we can find best offers for graphics building!!!
I have offer for creations of graphics on professional level but this is after we have some ~ SUM

Let's try with that register .. can we ask builders of that web page to help us???

We need place where we can put our names(nicknames) and sum that we will give if the project start ...
10  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) on: January 22, 2008, 03:27:08 pm
I'm From Bulgaria

I'm so happy that first man after my poste is ready to make something for SC !!!
Money are allways not enough ... we know that...

But i think we can collect enough!!!
and we can ask creators of SC for MIN sum that will be enough for that new project...

And the best way to make a precise calculations and to make a real estimation of that idea,
is to make a list roll  with names(nicknames) of all people that are ready to give money for new SC version and exact amount that is OK for them!

Then we can see the real fans and the real  prognosis - IS THIS POSSIBLE OR NOT!!!

How we can make this list roll (REGISTER) - some suggestions?
11  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: How long will Star Control live? on: January 22, 2008, 03:05:17 pm
Hello ...

This idea for exploration of the universe to meet new alien races will live forever ...
The exact idea of Star Control

This is inside every dreamer every boy that watch the stars ...

Unfortunately on game market this is possible after some  one or two generations becouse there is no other games or new versions of SC2 to remember us...

But WE can change this now!!!
And then we can show to OUR young friends or childrens this OUR dream realized again now!!!

I make a poste here with one my idea... bottom of page 8
Take a look and DO NOT PASS!!! leave your comment or suggestion there is VERY VERY important!!!

I DON'T WANT TO FORGOT Star Control!!!

Together WE can make the dreams come trough!!!

12  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) on: January 22, 2008, 01:28:15 pm
Hello guys

I'm Toni and i'm new here... I read forum from a long time but today i decide to register.
First i want to tell you that i'm so happy that here i can find so many fans of that great game!
My English is not so good but i hope you will understand me.

i'm 3D Artist and work in game industry from a long time ...

Unfortunately with every next game on market (allmost) i feel so sad ... Games without any ideas ... short lenten gamplay ... stupid storyline...

i start to replay old school games becouse feeling from them is 10 times deeper than new one!

Striving to be maded game with great FX and graphics is not the right way ... Thay cannot make the whole game thay are only part of all ...

I prefer to play a good game with not so great graphics then beautiful stupid games ...

I read in upper posts suggestion that i write too in my petition:
WE the true fans of star control series can collect some money and help to remake this game!
To be maded 3D game with 2008 requrements is hard .. we need to much money to collect...
But we can make this :

I think that new Star Control 2D version is not a bad idea ... This is game that is for hard core gamers like us ... we can make this compromise.

Graphics in 1024x768 maded professional - is good enough for GREAT look
Music in that original style like SC2
STORYLINE - very important part Wink

The most important thing is to save the exact feeling like SC2 ... sometimes creators change their thinking and feelings through the years...

If WE are serious we can collect money and we can give a start of that project!!!
If WE start
many many more will join US

We must speak with creators of SC2 - howmuch money we need to finish that our DREAM

If the project is serious many 2D and 3D artist will help US i'm sure!!!

i'M IN TOO!!!

General planning we can make after we receive information from Creators of SC2 howmuch money we must collect ...

I hope you will understand me
and i hope more people will thing the same like me!

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