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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 16, 2008, 12:53:40 pm
Ill try what you say but all my free time at the mo is taken up with joypad and UQM. :]

Giza a week or so
2  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 15, 2008, 12:54:25 pm
It works m8 Grin Grin Grin Grin

I was selecting the upper player.  Dont understand why that would matter though. 

Will I be able to play two player both with joypads this way.  Just im trying to get as many interested as poss and when friend come over I want the to play the best ever 2 player game in history.
3  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 15, 2008, 12:29:38 pm
Hi Novus,

A big thanks for all you efforts but it still didn't working m8.  Same as ever.  Works fine until I have to select my ship in super melee.

I copied and pasted your files
4  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 15, 2008, 11:18:59 am
Anyone able to help me get my joypad working in game please?
5  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 13, 2008, 07:53:10 pm
Ok m8, im back to where I started now.  Joypad works fine right up to the point where I have to select my ship in the Super Melee.

You get a chance to try your joystick. 

6  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 12, 2008, 09:28:33 am
Hi Novus,

My internet went off last night and out of sheer boredom I tried an uninstall reinstall.  Totally forgot the installer is a downloader so that didnt help my cause at all.

Anyhow, because I couldn't see your above suggestion I have started again with a fresh install today, internet back on.

Should I add the code you said to add yesterday

# This is a sample joystick configuration.  This is intended to work
# primarily under WinXP with a USB analog/digital gamepad.  The
# digital aspect of the gamepad happens to present itself to the
# system as a POV hat.  This configuration allows either the digital
# or analog stick to be used simultaneously.  More importantly, it
# gives us a chance to give examples for all of the various input types
# that UQM can handle.

joystick 0 threshold 10000   # How far to move before it counts; 0-30000

Template-5-Up: joystick 0 axis 1 negative
Template-5-Down: joystick 0 axis 1 positive
Template-5-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative
Template-5-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive

Template-5-Up: joystick 0 hat 0 up
Template-5-Down: joystick 0 hat 0 down
Template-5-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left
Template-5-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right

Template-5-Weapon: joystick 0 button 0
Template-5-Special: joystick 0 button 1
Template-5-Escape: key Escape

Menu-Up: joystick 0 axis 1 negative
Menu-Down: joystick 0 axis 1 positive
Menu-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative
Menu-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive

Menu-Up: joystick 0 hat 0 up
Menu-Down: joystick 0 hat 0 down
Menu-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left
Menu-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right

Menu-Cancel: joystick 0 button 1
Menu-Select: joystick 0 button 0

joystick 1 threshold 10000   # How far to move before it counts; 0-30000

Template-6-Up: joystick 1 axis 1 negative
Template-6-Down: joystick 1 axis 1 positive
Template-6-Left: joystick 1 axis 0 negative
Template-6-Right: joystick 1 axis 0 positive

Template-6-Up: joystick 1 hat 0 up
Template-6-Down: joystick 1 hat 0 down
Template-6-Left: joystick 1 hat 0 left
Template-6-Right: joystick 1 hat 0 right

Template-6-Weapon: joystick 1 button 0
Template-6-Special: joystick 1 button 1

Template-6-Escape: key Escape

Menu-Up: joystick 1 axis 1 negative
Menu-Down: joystick 1 axis 1 positive
Menu-Left: joystick 1 axis 0 negative
Menu-Right: joystick 1 axis 0 positive

Menu-Up: joystick 1 hat 0 up
Menu-Down: joystick 1 hat 0 down
Menu-Left: joystick 1 hat 0 left
Menu-Right: joystick 1 hat 0 right

Menu-Cancel: joystick 1 button 1
Menu-Select: joystick 1 button 0
7  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 11, 2008, 06:01:39 pm
Bugger - Dont know what ive done but now nothing controls the in game.  not even the keyboard.

Oh this is unbearable!!  Ive been playing Urquan masters for a month daily.  Having withdrawal symptoms already!
8  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 11, 2008, 05:13:53 pm
Certainly can  Smiley

config.speechvol = 100
config.sfxvol = 100
config.musicvol = 100
config.audioquality = high
config.audiodriver = mixsdl
config.player2control = 5
config.player1control = 4
config.pulseshield = no
config.positionalsfx = no
config.smoothmelee = yes
config.showfps = yes
config.3domovies = yes
config.3domusic = yes
config.smoothscroll = no
config.iconicscan = no
config.textgradients = yes
config.textmenu = yes
config.subtitles = yes
config.fullscreen = yes
config.scanlines = no
config.scaler = triscan
config.usegl = yes
config.alwaysgl = no
config.resheight = 768
config.reswidth = 1024 = Joystick 2 = Joystick 1 = ESDF = Arrows (2) = WASD = Arrows
9  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 11, 2008, 04:29:01 pm
Thanks m8.  The Joypad now works throughout the menus as it did before but then stopped for some reason.

Still doesn't work within the actual game though.
10  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 11, 2008, 02:19:49 pm
Got it thanks

version 4
Menu-Backspace: key Backspace
Menu-Next: key Tab
Menu-Select: key Return
Pause: key Pause
Menu-Edit-Cancel: key Escape
Template-1-Escape: key Escape
Template-2-Escape: key Escape
Template-3-Escape: key Escape
Template-4-Escape: key Escape
Template-5-Escape: key Escape
Template-6-Escape: key Escape
Template-1-Up: key Escape
Template-5-Up: key Escape
Template-6-Up: key Escape
Menu-Cancel: key Space
Menu-Search: key /
Template-3-Special: key [
Template-3-Weapon: key ]
Template-2-Left: key a
Template-4-Special: key a
Template-2-Special: key b
Template-2-Right: key d
Template-4-Down: key d
Template-4-Up: key e
Template-4-Right: key f
Template-4-Weapon: key q
Template-2-Down: key s
Template-4-Left: key s
Template-2-Weapon: key v
Template-2-Up: key w
Menu-Delete: key Delete
Menu-Cancel: key Keypad-0
Template-1-Special: key Keypad-0
Menu-End: key Keypad-1
Menu-Down: key Keypad-2
Template-1-Down: key Keypad-2
Template-3-Down: key Keypad-2
Menu-Page-Down: key Keypad-3
Menu-Left: key Keypad-4
Template-1-Left: key Keypad-4
Template-3-Left: key Keypad-4
Menu-Right: key Keypad-6
Template-1-Right: key Keypad-6
Template-3-Right: key Keypad-6
Menu-Home: key Keypad-7
Menu-Up: key Keypad-8
Template-3-Up: key Keypad-8
Menu-Page-Up: key Keypad-9
Menu-Delete: key Keypad-.
Menu-Zoom-Out: key Keypad--
Menu-Zoom-In: key Keypad-+
Menu-Select: key Keypad-Enter
Template-1-Weapon: key Keypad-Enter
Menu-Up: key Up
Template-1-Up: key Up
Template-3-Up: key Up
Menu-Down: key Down
Template-1-Down: key Down
Template-3-Down: key Down
Menu-Right: key Right
Template-1-Right: key Right
Template-3-Right: key Right
Menu-Left: key Left
Template-1-Left: key Left
Template-3-Left: key Left
Menu-Home: key Home
Menu-End: key End
Menu-Page-Up: key PageUp
Menu-Zoom-In: key PageUp
Menu-Page-Down: key PageDown
Menu-Zoom-Out: key PageDown
Pause: key F1
Exit: key F10
Menu-Cancel: key RightShift
Template-1-Special: key RightShift
Menu-Select: key RightControl
Template-1-Weapon: key RightControl
11  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 11, 2008, 12:24:16 pm
I click the link on your sig for the FAQ but its dead.
12  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad wont work. Anyone Help me out please. on: March 10, 2008, 07:34:13 pm
Looked under program files/ the urquan masters and dont have those files you mention.  I dont seem to even have the  settings directory here.
13  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: March 10, 2008, 07:33:33 pm
Looked under program files/ the urquan masters and dont have those files you mention.  I dont seem to even have the  settings directory here. 
14  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Joypad wont work. Anyone Help me out please. on: March 10, 2008, 05:31:23 pm
Hi.  Using a 360 controller via a wireless official 360 dongle.

PC recognizes pad and all buttons in control panel.  When I try to set up in game pressing buttons does nothing as if it isn't recognised.

What am I doing wrong?

Any advice greatly appreciated.
15  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Joypad works on menus but not ingame??? on: February 13, 2008, 02:04:17 pm
Certainly m8.  You couldn't tell me how to do that could you?
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