I have downloadet the ver. 0.12 uqm.exe that you pointed at. And now the bio-scan works just fine ;o)
there seem to be a bit of a delay at the point where it jused to freze though, i wold most certanly put this under minor minor bugs. i haven't downloadet the updatetcontent yet, i was too angius to get startet ;o)
Testing for this i discovered another bug, that is still there, when i access the save/load screen from the planet screen (the screen where the scans is displayed) the save/load menu is not ereased when i return (except when i cancel out of the menu). In this version only the rotating planet is redrawn, and when i send a lander most of the sreen is redrawn.
I think i have seen this bug described somwhere else. If not i think we should start a new tread before discussing it further..
And if i havn't said it before, let me say Maeny thanks to the guys (and maybe gals) that is working on this port.