How about this Arilou quote? "No. We seek not to invade, but to pervade. There is a difference. Your stories of evil creatures... these are just... side effects. Pay them no heed." Hmm... they also mention "our earth".
Does TFB endorse the Accolade SC3 plot? We've never really heard from them as far as THEIR opinions on SC3. (Paul, Fred, that's your cue! Answer, dammit!)
Corporation *silly cows* have many *fingers* in *slow time* *heavy space*. They are *squeezing the juice* but not for us. This makes us *frumple*. Well, it's better than *silly cow* Enron.
In 0.1 (under Win98 SE), I had just contacted Fwiffo on Pluto (he was saying his first line) when I switched windows. The music kept looping, but clicking on the taskbar item or alt+tab didn't bring UQM back up, and minimizing the windows in front of it just displayed a white screen in the game window. I plan to test dialogues with other characters to see if this happens.