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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Will there be cheats? on: December 28, 2002, 07:28:22 am

Hey, it's a great game and seemed pretty stable, but I'm sure I can find some cases where it'd break.  Actually, recently I tried to run it on an NEC 486DX2/50 (overclocked to 66MHz) that had both a GUS ACE and an SB16.  And some old Western Digital SCSI card running the HDD.  With 64 MB of parity RAM.  The old SC2 just wouldn't work, the machine froze.  In an ideal world...

(and yes, I've tried to figure out WHY it's not working but have since gotten distracted with UQM)

Now if I'm remembering this correctly it's even told in the game manual: you can't have both SB & GUS installed. They tell you to remove one or the other.. Smiley  I'm too lazy though to search for the manual to verify it right now, the game is too well stored somewhere.

As a matter of fact I tried it with ACE "some" years back and it hung even without the blaster so I think the GUS support in the game is crappy. Again I'm not sure of my memories but I think it was known and to be corrected in some update which unfortunately never came. Try it with just the SB and I bet it'll work, the game wasn't that picky after all.

But hey, guys (going back to the topic), the game is so perfect fun that any cheats would just ruin it! Wink  I'm hooked. Again... And now back to Ur-Quan hunt. Again...
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