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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: general_klefenz's project recruitment
on: January 29, 2009, 02:29:32 am
ERROR in action number 4 of Create Event for object obj_button_ship:
Error in code at line 4: case 1: sprite_index = spr_ico_guardian; break;
at position 33: Unknown variable spr_ico_guardian
(and that's only the first error in a long stream of similar errors)
A quick glance at your GMK file shows me that indeed the graphic resource does not exist (or is improperly named). If you look at the code in the create event for obj_button_ship, any line in the switch/case statement where the resource name doesn't change to the color purple means the graphic resource isn't present or is missnamed.
Oh and thanx for putting it in .zip format and finding a better host!
some files missed, it's fixed now
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: general_klefenz's project recruitment
on: January 28, 2009, 03:44:43 am
what drad and drop? AI don't use drag and drop
this is the cruiser AI:
{ //AI script for earthling cruiser //sergio klefenz 12/12/08 //pursue enemy until in range, //then stop pursue and shoot script_execute(scr_tracking,obj_control.ply1,turn*power(0.9,limpets)); //check if need to shoot PDL //check for potential targets if instance_number(obj_destructible_parent) > 1 { //temporary movement to avoid self-targeting x += 1024; //define the identity of the nearest target sdtgt = instance_nearest(x,y,obj_destructible_parent); //check target distance if point_distance(x,y,sdtgt.x,sdtgt.y) < 128 { //try to shoot PDL script_execute(scr_PDL,id); } //restore position x -= 1024; } //PDL code end
//check if pointing target if abs(direction-tgtdir) < 10 { //if target if far close up if point_distance(x,y,tgtx,tgty) > 1024 { vecx += cos(direction*pi/180)*acc*power(0.9,limpets); vecy += sin(direction*pi/180)*acc*power(0.9,limpets); //activate propulsor prop = 1; } //try to fire a misil else { //deactivate the propulsor prop = 0; //check energy if energy >= 9 { //check cooldown if shoota = 1 { //fire a misil and set the cooldown global.multi = instance_create(x+lengthdir_x(96,direction),y+lengthdir_y(96,direction),obj_mx); global.multi.tgt = obj_control.ply1 global.multi. direction = direction; if alarm[2] > 3 {alarm[2] += 4;} shootb = 0; shoota = 0; alarm[0] = 15; energy -= 9; } } } } //limit speed script_execute(scr_speed_limitation);
maybe you didn't see into the scripts folder
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: why don't we make it ourselves?
on: January 17, 2009, 10:26:17 pm
All right, i'm gonna make a strategy game like SC1. The battle engine is ready, now is time for the AI. I´ve alredy posted a file with the GM source, so if you can code in that language (similar to basic) code the AIs. There are 25 AI, and I just coded 2, the Earthling and the Vux. The sprites are ready, I'm going to code a strategy star cluster.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: why don't we make it ourselves?
on: January 10, 2009, 05:27:10 pm
i don't know what is SC redux. and the ur quan alies? IMO the worst idea ever. they are the bad guys. and then who or what would be the new enemy? something that destroyed thousands of galaxies through the universe and will be stopped in this particular one? that is the sort of enemy that is made without creativity, we have a good foe already. and why should the ur quan ally? they hate everything thats not ur quan, AFS destroyed their main battleship, and they are immune to reason. no matter if something is going to destroy the antire galaxy they wont ally.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: why don't we make it ourselves?
on: January 10, 2009, 08:02:48 am
ahh, coding is hard. weeks have passed and i only coded half a guadian but i'll go on. here are some storyline ideas i made up: -the androsynth, there will be an isolated outpost far from their homeworld, earthlings don't fly in guardians. -the keel-verezy would be a race of pure energy beings that live in stars photosphere. -after the lost of the sa-matra the ur-quan realized that they should had never thrusted in alien technology, and that they still have a LOT of dreadnoughts and marauders to fight back the alliance. -the spathi will be de-shielded by the ur-quan and recruited once again -all other thralls except the yehat and androsynth will be recruited again -the druuge will be recruited as well (they say that they are fighting under contract for the ur-quan) -the player start in contact with the other species, but then they all get blocked by hierarchy fleet, they divide the alliance so they can`t fight together. then you must break the blockages and free your allies. since you can't kill such number of ship that surrounds them you have to find creative ways of doing it, like supernovas, or throwing a fleet pof something nasty to them (worse than illwrath) -then when you get all your allies back you must coordinate a final all-or-nothing assault against he ur-quan!