Looks like a regular old window to me. It's totally black except for the header bar and a thin gray border. No blinking cursor or anything. My mouse pointer turns to a white outline.
Here's the logfile:
argv[0] = [C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\uqm.exe]
argv[1] = [--logfile]
argv[2] = [logfile.txt]
The Ur-Quan Masters v0.6.2 (compiled Jan 15 2007 13:56:34)
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details see the included 'COPYING' file.
Netplay protocol version 0.3. Requiring remote UQM version 0.5.4.
Initializing base SDL functionality.
Using SDL version 1.2.12 (compiled with 1.2.
Warning: %APPDATA% is not set. Falling back to "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data"
Warning: %USERPROFILE% is not set. Falling back to ".\userdata" for %APPDATA%
Using config dir 'C:/Program Files/The Ur-Quan Masters/userdata/uqm/'
Using 'C:/Program Files/The Ur-Quan Masters/content' as base content dir.
0 available addon packs.
Saved games are kept in C:/Program Files/The Ur-Quan Masters/userdata/uqm/save/.
Initializing Pure-SDL graphics.
SDL driver used: windib
SDL initialized.
Initializing Screen.
Set the resolution to: 640x480x32
Screen scalers are using SSE/MMX-Ext/MMX code
1 joysticks were found.
The names of the joysticks are:
CH Flightstick
VControl opened joystick: CH Flightstick
3 axes, 2 buttons, 0 hats.