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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Mac OS X - no sound effects
on: March 09, 2003, 09:20:29 pm
I just installed the mac os x package, but I get no sound effects. Music works fine, but no effects. I looked in the console log and found lots of these messages:
mixSDL_Sourcei: invalid buffer attempted mixSDL_Sourcei: invalid buffer attempted mixSDL_Sourcei: invalid buffer attempted mixSDL_Sourcei: invalid buffer attempted mixSDL_Sourcei: invalid buffer attempted
Anyone have any suggestions?
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Mac OS X Installing trouble
on: March 04, 2003, 06:50:55 pm
It turns out I was running the wrong executable, I was running a version I had compilied earlier and didn't realize the new one went to a different place. So, now the keys work but I get no sound effects, only music. Any idea where I should look to find this problem? This is definitely with the sourceforge distrobution.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Mac OS X Installing trouble
on: March 03, 2003, 05:34:13 pm
I'm having problems with the keyboard definitions on Mac OS X. I looked in the starcon.key file and the arrow keys are definied for player 1, but they don't work. Somehow the keys 'i', 'j', 'k', and 'l' are the directional keys. Also, I can't get a key to work for the secondary weapon. Any thoughts?
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re: Mac OS X Update
on: January 13, 2003, 12:43:27 am
Curious, I never had a problem linking against the frameworks. I simply created a new project, and imported the source, frameworks and content. I did a little fiddling to get the content where I wanted it, but other than that it worked fine. I could send you my project directory if you are really interested. I must admit, I'm rather new to project builder and just sort of made it up as I went along.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Mac OS X Update
on: January 11, 2003, 12:16:29 am
Just a quick update on my Mac OS X experience. I've gotten the source code into a Project for project builder and have gotten it to compile with SDL and OpenGL support. The OpenGL still doesn't look right, perhaps I'll double check to make sure I have the latest source code from CVS. No support for Ogg yet because of the version of SDL mixer. I didn't bother linking in any of the vorbis libraries because of this. Right now it compiles and produces a .app with all of the content integrated. There is no way to add command line options except at compile time. I don't have anywhere to host this because of the size of the integrated content.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Mac OS X Success
on: January 08, 2003, 07:56:17 am
I've had some success at getting UQM to run under Mac OS X. I got it to compile after playing with some of the build environment stuff. I haven't tested it extensively, but it seems to work. The one thing I noticed was that in OpenGL mode all of the colors are messed up. I don't know if this is a known issue or not, but thought I would mention it.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Mac OS X Build
on: January 05, 2003, 01:11:36 am
I'm trying to build UQM for Mac OS X, but I can't get past th Simple DirectMedia Layer not found. message. I have SDL installed via fink. Can anyone who has gotten it to build under os x please help. Thanks.