Hi folks. I'm guessing there hasn't been any further development on a Wii port of UQM? A google turned up nothing about a port.
I must say, I'm tempted. Unlike the DS version people were talking about here a while back, the Wii has the horsepower for it, SDL for Wii seems to have matured somewhat -
several bits of notable homebrew use it - it's now shockingly easy to install homebrew on a Wii, and with external SD card storage it would be pretty easy to fit all the UQM content in.
Plus, ScummVM got a wii port, and UQM has always been in my mind the lesser-known, but still totally awesome little sibling.
My programming skill is hovering somewhere around "intermediate", and I'm thinking this might be a good way to fill in some gaps in my experience, plus it's a game I adore and would love to play on a console. I might hit some spots where I need to call in some real muscle for sorting out platform specific issues. For starters, I'd have to figure out how to rope together SDL, the UQM codebase and whatever wii specific dev tools you need to get stuff running on it.
So without making any concrete promises, I think I'm interested. I have a AAA game to help ship first, so I might not be able to really start work on it until this fall.
What do folks here think? Is this something you'd be interested in playing, testing or contributing to? Did I miss an already-underway project to do the same?