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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Starflight vs. Star Control ? on: January 11, 2003, 12:39:02 pm
The only problem being, that SF was meant to occur sometime after the year 4600 or so (they had a few bad millenia in between).

Btw, if you can find an original SF 1 manual, I suggest reading it. Seriously it is the funniest game manual that will ever be written.
2  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Starflight vs. Star Control ? on: January 09, 2003, 12:22:40 pm
Some small part of me tries to find it odd that the people reminiscing over these two series on those boards are both literate *gasp* and totally devoted to their superiority over anything new (with which I whole-heartedly agree).

To think, You can STILL buy these games (allbeit from eBay)... This little piece of plastic is burning a hole in my pocket...

Sometimes I worry that things I appreciated when younger won't age well, so it would be best to leave them and reminisce, rather than revisit. But with these games, they still do much more than face up to newer games.

"An entire universe on two 360kB 5.25 floppies."

I just wish that elegant game programming were still trendy... I hate dropping 150 mB of HD space, just for a demo. Jeeze. (sorry for the rant guys)
3  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Starflight vs. Star Control ? on: January 08, 2003, 08:20:21 am
Were any of the staff on the team that made Starflight also on the SC team?

Also, the captain on the space station rips directly from Starflight in saying "avoid being gruesomely killed..." which is mentioned several times in Starflight, including in the primary mission outline. :-/

I have to say that I like the ship fighting style in SC a little more, but it seems like crew are too much like fodder, rather than trained professionals... Is the "Vindicator" full of red-shirts?
4  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Other great old games on: January 06, 2003, 06:02:34 am
Regarding Ascendancy, I usually played as the govorom, since I had a habit of colonizing every single planet with a xeno dig, whether the planet itself was worth it or not. So, it was kind of nice to have the planet change from a giant lifeless husk into a prosperous cornicopia.

I had been on the logic factory forums for a bit, but there was never any response from the company, and they've had some wierd down times, wherein there wasn't even a "page being updated" screen, so I think they might be down to minimal personnel/money. Did you ever try their other game (s) i.e. Tone Rebellion?
5  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Other great old games on: January 05, 2003, 08:47:26 am
I can't believe that there are still people around that played Ascendancy....

I know that this might be misspeaking myself, but, What about Star Flight 1 ??

Seriously... if you read the manual, including the "history of arth" without laughing, you're probably reading the french side j/k
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