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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: FIghting Melnorme
on: July 25, 2003, 09:27:05 pm
I believe there is a gene inside of her called the "super geek gene"... I call it a disease. It's incurable and there have been no survivors. Symptoms include an urge to have night-long LAN parties and play Star Control II 100 times a day. Warning: Contageous in geek-infested places like chess clubs and Warcraft 3 multiplayer games. Apply ointment daily to ease the pain.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: idea
on: July 25, 2003, 09:19:27 pm
its just an idea dont cry  Awwww, now look what you made me do... you've got me crying again!  If only you hadn't posted your idea, I wouldn't be so delirious... ooooooohhh.  I was thinking your idea could be turned into a play... or an interpretive dance they could sell as the sequel. You'd better get working on it right away before I steal the idea! 
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Any idea when Alpha 0.3 version is arriving?
on: July 25, 2003, 09:14:39 pm
I don't think it kills us to see a post like this every once in a while... lol. If it does, I'm sorry you must be in bad health. I just recently came back from a long hiatus away from the forums, and I for one was curious about 0.3 and whether had news had come up. Look at me, I'm definately not a n00b... lol. So I think every once in a while, these posts will come up. I don't think they hurt the forums. If this topic stays up, then other n00bs won't post more of them! The only way I could see this topic being a problem is if there are two or three of them on the front page of the forum at one time. If not, just ignore them if you don't like them. 
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: How I get a better position?
on: July 25, 2003, 09:07:28 pm
Ahhhh, K-P... you and I had a pretty good sparring match of posts before I decided to up and leave! Look at you now, you're all grown up.  I promised myself I wouldn't cry...  *Ahem* Lukipela, I think guesst was talking about a different type of position. Like the kind of position Talana uses on the captain. Don't underestimate the tactical advantage of having a pillow. It can mean all the difference...
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Eeeevil!
on: July 25, 2003, 09:02:08 pm
Haha... you should know a post can only be a maximum of 6 sentences... or is it words? It if's too long, people like me start to confuse words for food... then we get hungry... and when I'm hungry, I'm usually angry.
I remember having a big debate about whether the Druuge were evil or not. I say they're evil because I think their ships, slave-based system of trade, and demanours are pretty nasty and evil in essence. Others told me they were just greedy and that evil didn't run through their blood.
I'd argue otherwise, especially when the butt end of those Maulers are facing your direction.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Help.. am I screwed
on: July 25, 2003, 08:58:50 pm
I'll admit your support ships aren't the best at fighting Ilwrath, but your task is definately not impossible. Try practising some matchups against Avengers in the SuperMelee. I've fought more oncoming ships than that, and with worse odds too! Haha, I remember one time, this group of Dreadnoughts and Marauders... well, that's another story altogether. Just try it out and hey... if you lose, you can just reload your game. If you don't lose, all the better.  You're also not very far in the game (hate to tell ya), so starting over is definately not too damaging to what you've done.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: I have a question
on: July 25, 2003, 08:54:36 pm
I've taken out a good number of those projectiles using the Utwig Jugger, which also makes a pretty good flying projectile. I also happen to like the Yehat Terminator in close quarters with the Sa-Matra, giving you maneuvaribility and good firepower, so you can shoot down those boogers and flameballs that pester you.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Portals
on: July 25, 2003, 08:51:20 pm
Haha... you know that reply is just a cop out. Everyone can tell by the arrangement of portals in the game that TFB put them in places that would make your trip conveniently shorter. Obviously in some cases you're still going to have to make quite a trip to get where you want to go, but part of the fun is figuring out which portal is closest and whether or not you can make it out of Ur-Quan space quick enough to reach Betelgeuse.  BTW, this is my first post in this forum in over.... oh, I'd say 4 months. Some of the members in the forums may remember me. I'm surprised to find myself still 4th on the list of posters on the forums. I thought some young whipper-snappers would come along and crush me in hibernation. Anyways, rejoice or cower in fear... I don't know if this return is permanent, but it sure has been a long time coming.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Mycon help
on: April 27, 2003, 11:06:33 pm
I remember playing the PC version all those years ago and not having problems locating worlds (except perhaps Rainbow worlds, which took me the belated discovery of a ruler to figure out  ) I'm still trying to figure out how to use a ruler. My math teacher really hates me for it. The problem with Star Control 2 faqs is a fairly big one... There are no decent ones out there!!! When I got back into the game and got stuck at this point, I only found on FAQ that had this information in it. Not only that, it was incorrect and told me to go to Beta Brahe. I figured out myself, after visiting nearly every damn system in Mycon space, where to go. It was quite strange, seeing I has no problems finding the place when I first played the game, and I was 7 back then. 
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Dreadnought Dominance
on: April 27, 2003, 10:58:59 pm
The most cost-effective Dreadnought-killer? Some may argue the Earthling Cruiser or even the Ilwrath Avenger... I'd argue its the Yehat Terminator, mainly because I can take out approxamitely two Dreadnoughts per Terminator. If I was just fighting one-on-one ships, I may take the Cruiser... not that the battle is a guaranteed win, even if I am an expert Cruiser pilot. 