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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Free Star Control II (3DO) Super Melee Tournament in San Antonio, Tx!
on: September 04, 2011, 05:39:22 am
I just finished putting all the matches together into a tournament reel. Whew...Two and a half hours of non-stop Star Control 2 crazy melee antics! Since it is so long I may have to split this up some before getting a chance to upload it to youtube, facebook, etc. But I just wanted to let you all know that the main part of the job is done and I am burning the footage to DVDs right now as I type. It should be on it's way to Toys for Bob within a week or so. Hopefully it'll be online soon after that as well. I may or may not put the exit interviews up online. It was done more for Toys for Bob but would you guys like to see them? If so let me know here and I'll put them up if anyone is interested. I'll report back with some links soon!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Free Star Control II (3DO) Super Melee Tournament in San Antonio, Tx!
on: August 14, 2011, 08:28:46 pm
The tournament seemed pretty small at first seeing as we only had about 14 entries but there were some absolutely epic battles! One of the matches went on for 20 mins! Best thing about all of this is the crowd was very receptive about the idea of making the video to send to Toys for Bob and we got footage direct from the game play, video of the contestants playing, and exit interviews of some of the players! With all of the footage we collected I'll be able to get a full DVD of great Star Control 2 footage! The crowd was very excited to be there and we had many loud moments with oohs, aahs, applause, and yelling. Anyways, I should have the video done soon but as soon as I do I'll put a link up here so everyone that's interested can view it. Thanks for all the help from everyone!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Free Star Control II (3DO) Super Melee Tournament in San Antonio, Tx!
on: July 20, 2011, 06:54:36 am
Thanks for the info Lukipela! I tried going over to the SCDB and registering to start a thread but was unable to interact with the confrimation check (The one where you sort the races to get registered) so instead I've played a bit more with the Thraddash and absolutely see how much they could be abused. Oi! So to save time (which I'm running out of) I have decided to ban the Thraddash due to those pesky after burners and keep the Chmmr in play. I myself have played against the Chmmr with other ships and even though it was difficult I was able to take them out with strategy. I have to say...those Druuge are very useful in dispatching those Chmmr. So with that being said...I have edited my original posting to include the new ban on the Thraddash and all details are now finalized. I would greatly appreciate any help provided by putting this event up on the Pages of Now and Forever! Even though this tournament is for the Classic Game Fest I want this to be a success to help Toys for Bob in their crusade to make a new Star Control! Hopefully I'll be able to find someone to do a great Zoq-Fot-Pik impression for the commentary...I'd like to have them commenting on the best recorded matches. I hope to have it in the same type of format as many of the top fighting game match videos. Something like the gameplay taking up 70% of the screen and the other 30% devoted to the actual players playing and the Zoq-Fot-Pik commenting on the action. Thanks again everyone for the info!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Free Star Control II (3DO) Super Melee Tournament in San Antonio, Tx!
on: July 19, 2011, 04:26:33 am
So the Thraddash to be banned due to the abuse of the after burners instead of the overall power of the Chmmr?
I will drop by the online melee lobby and throw out some questions. Thanks for the advice. Ultimately I would prefer not to ban anything but after playing with the Chmmr a bit more (I usually only play them in the adventure, not melee) I feel they may be good for the beginners afterall. The experienced players will be able to find a way to take the Chmmr out while the beginners might have an easier time with the Chmmr. The Thraddash may end up getting the boot after all. I'll talk to the online group and then make a decision.
Thanks for the support so far everyone!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Free Star Control II (3DO) Super Melee Tournament in San Antonio, Tx!
on: July 19, 2011, 02:08:41 am
I would not be opposed to holding a tournament online. I think that's a fantastic idea but this tournament is a part of our Classic Gaming Festival that we hold once a year. That's the only reason that 1) we are not holding it online and 2) we are using the 3DO version instead of UQM.
Plus the idea is to gather people together in a group setting to play. Online play is great but it diminishes the social factor which is something I'd like to capture on film as well as the actual gameplay.
I actually play both versions quite a bit and while I would like to use UQM (It's is a much more refined version) over the 3DO version but since the whole festival is about celebrating classic console games in all of their glory…we will be using classic console systems to play games.
As far as the Chmmr being banned from play…seeing as this tournament looks to draw not only experienced players but also those new to the game I still feel it’s too powerful. I agree that a skilled Druuge, Shofixti, or Kohr-Ah (As well as others) player can take them out. I believe we will see a mix of more first time players and less experienced players at this tournament. To make it fun, competitive, and enjoyable I wanted to make sure there are no super unbalanced matches. I’ll run a few more examples (Like a team of 5 Chmmr vs. a 150 point team) and if it feels good…I’ll consider removing the ban.
Sorry this tournament is not online but if this event goes well that might be the next step for us!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Free Star Control II (3DO) Super Melee Tournament in San Antonio, Tx!
on: July 18, 2011, 11:53:35 pm
After speaking with Alex Ness about what ships to ban (if any) we both agreed the Chmmr should be banned due to the ship's over-powered nature. It's got the three escorts, the tractor beam, and the laser.
One could win just using the tractor beam and escorts not to mention the pounding from the main laser.
Even though the Thraddash have the after burner special weapon it still takes more skill to successfully use it in a match than does the Chmmr's special weapon and escorts.
That was the only reason for the ban on the Chmmr.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Free Star Control II (3DO) Super Melee Tournament in San Antonio, Tx!
on: July 18, 2011, 11:12:47 pm
Hello Star Control Fans!
I just wanted to drop in to let you know about a free Star Control II Super Melee tournament we are hosting on August 13th between 1PM and 6PM at Game Over Videogames @ The Park North Shopping Center in San Antonio, Tx!
Besides hosting the tournament just for fun and bringing the Star Control community together this tournament will also be video taped and sent to Toys for Bob! Not only will they be able to enjoy the tournament with us but also use the footage to convince "the powers that be" that Star Control 3 should be the next project that Toys for Bob should work on! Let's show them (Activision) how much fun this phenomenal game can be! If you have any questions post here and I will try to answer as quickly as possible. Also for more information or directions to the tournament site you can call 1-210-366-4263.
The rules are simple:
1. Each match will have teams of 150 points or less until the finals which will have teams of 200 points or less. 2. The Thraddash have been banned from the tournament.
The Prizes: 1. $75.00 gift certificate to Game Over Videogames 2. $25.00 gift certificate to Game Over Videogames 3. A possible congratulatory certificate of some sort from Toys for Bob! I've been talking to Alex Ness about this but, This is not confirmed yet!
Thanks for taking a look and hope to see you there!!!!