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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: A campaign for a new Star Control
on: December 15, 2009, 05:51:01 am
I'm down with this plan, I'll certainly do what I can.  , look for a post on PnF about this soon if somebody else *wink* *wink* doesn't beat me to it. Right off the bat I notice, on the wiki , Stickers and UQM CD , stickers I can do, UQM cd? what would that entail? "producing" distribution type cd's to give out to people? im certainly up for doing that, might give me reason to buy a light-scribe burner, make nice fancy labes.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Project 6014 – Ur-Quan Masters mod
on: February 21, 2009, 11:26:56 pm
Just my thoughts on the slave shielded earth, Looking at the human race getting stuck inside a bubble would tear things apart, I'm thinking more along the lines that earth would fall apart breaking down into wars. It would be nice to think that we would keep the good fight going; But why? they have no hope for those twenty years. Ok, so maybe things don't fall apart but some how I doubt we'd be building ships. More likely development of ways to crack the shield or perhaps teleportation? Also were mass drivers every tried on the slave shield? for that matter what is the slave shield and what keeps it going?
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / PoNaF : Return of the Update
on: May 19, 2007, 08:16:47 am
-My news posting from The Pages of Now and Forever, thought I might give everybody here a heads up seeing as Meep-eep was nice enough to give us an update on the forth coming "Chat" - Greetings all! Where do I start here, well I'll get to the point. With the more and more scarce appearances and updates from Chad, this site has started to fall apart, there currently is entire sections that aren't working or are missing completely. Having not be able to contact Chad through my super secret sources, I decided to contact gamespy and see if they could get a hold of Chad. Alas they were not able to, and so with the help of Chuck, a hosting manager for IGN (BIG thanks to him!), I have been given access to the site. Now I'm not sure where this leaves Chad, when and if he comes back. However I certainly would NOT be ousting him. He is after all the creator of this site. Now on to the future of this site, I plan to change everything completely with my new found powers of galactic PNF domination!. J/K, My actual goals first off are to get all the missing content fixed and perhaps add a few things that may have been missing. I'm also thinking of removing SC3D and combining all it's content with PNF. In preparation for these tasks, I'd like all of you to e-mail me with any content you find is missing or any broken links you find. Secondly if any of you have news or new content for the site please don't hesitate to send it to me. I believe I will be receiving the e-mail via, However until I'm sure please feel free to send it to me at xr@classicgaming.comThanks and I look forward to serving the StarControl Community!
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / OS/2 port?
on: March 23, 2003, 01:21:25 pm
Im just wondering if anybody besides me would be interested in an OS/2 Warp 4 port? (of those of u who even remember OS/2) I am running OS/2 on one of my computers and was just thinking about UQM, though I can just run the original SC2 on it without problems, UQM has all the advanced features and such.
The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
on: February 15, 2003, 03:18:52 pm
First I figured i should register an account.. instead of just coming on as Scott Irving.
Anyway, Yes indeed I think it fine time we see us earthlings defeated, people who don't know the SC story will come to the end of which ever movie it turns out to be, and be like what?! we lost?!!!! and then hear about the next one, and they know something is up so they 'have' to go see it.
Hmm as to the crusiers, missles, we'll come up with some clever way probably involving Chenjasu technology or something. As to the crew, more crew meaning more supplies this is a very good point, convinced me.
On a side note i just upgraded this computer with a new CPU (Athlon XP1800+, from duron 1.3ghz) so I should be able to get stuff rendered just a little bit quicker now, lol.