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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Other great old games on: March 02, 2003, 11:18:38 pm
In the RPG genre I loved the *Bard's Tale series. *Bard's Tale 1 was the best of the bunch, but the others were worth mention.

Also, someone mentioned Blue Max for the commodore 64.  You can't mention the C64 without mentioning *Jumpman.  An amazingly simple, yet fun and addictive game.  Also *Summer Games and *Winter Games.  Or how about *Temple of Apshai, or *Gateway to Apshai?  These were the simplest of rpgs.

But back to IBM based PC's:
I agree with the *X-com sentiment.  That was a great game, I didn't like the 2nd as much, and never got to play apocolypse.  For some reason I really liked *The Prince of Persia.  It was the first game with really fluid movements.  It just looked really cool.  *Out of this World was really neat too.  It had great graphics for the time and the gameplay was interesting.  Another great game was *Alone in the Dark.  It was pretty much the predecessor to *Resident Evil, another great game.  I loved the hand drawn backgrounds and the way the camera angles change while you're playing.
Going back a ways, *Zork 1 2 and 3 were a lot of fun even though they were completely text based.  Everyone's mentioned these, but the *King's Quest series was great.  

We need more original games now a days.  They made them great back in the day.

Also *Star Control 2: The Ur-Quan Masters was one of my all time favorites.  Grin  I still love playing it.  What a superb storyline and innovative gameplay.  Many thanks to Fred and Paul for such a fantastic game.  It kept me enthralled for many hours. and I have pages of notes and maps etc. Smiley   Tons of fun.
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