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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re:  help!!!: speech does not function on: March 02, 2003, 03:01:01 am
It was an installation problem after all. it works perfectly fine now, thanx for the help!!!
2  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re:  help!!!: speech does not function on: February 28, 2003, 08:40:05 pm
besides the ogg.dll I have no ogg files (I looked in the sub dir you suggested)
I am trying at the moment to download again the whole pack - hopefully it was a problem in the installation...
I'll let you know, thanx!
3  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re:  help!!!: speech does not function on: February 28, 2003, 06:09:20 pm
Dear moderators,
I would love if u could let me know whether u have found a way to resolve this problem...
Thanking u in advance!
4  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re:  help!!!: speech does not function on: February 28, 2003, 03:27:23 am
Switching to stream comm/comandr/coman003.ogg at pos 0
StreamDecoderTaskFunc<>: buffer underrun when playing comm/comandr/coman003.ogg, source 6

StreamDecoderTaskFunc<>: finished playing comm/comandr/coman003.ogg, source 6

SpliceTrack<>: loading comm/comandr/coma006.ogg
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
StreamDecoderTaskFunc<>: finished playing comm/comandr/coman006.ogg, source 6
SoundDecoder_Decode<>: looping
SoundDecoder_Decode<>: looping comm/comandr/comandr.mod
5  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / Re:  help!!!: speech does not function on: February 28, 2003, 02:42:55 am
thank u 4 taking the time to help me. I can play the game,
I can see the subtitles, answer, fight and so on. only the speech does not appear to b working. I am using Windows XP on a leptop
6  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / help!!!: speech does not function on: February 27, 2003, 10:56:01 pm
I have downloaded the last version (for the first time) on Feb 25th. I can't seem to get the speech to work. I've tried downloading again the "voice" by the installer, as well as tuning the sound and music to 80 while the speech to 100 and still don't get anything (music and sound effects are working fine), I would appreciate an your kind answer.
Thanking you very much for reviving this game (I was looking for it for ages!!!)
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