I finished the game yesterday, it was fun to play the HD version for sure
Found a few bugs but figured they'd probably been reported already so I didn't write anything down. From memory though the flagship animation was bugged at the end and didn't eneter the endgame cutscene at the correct location and there was some voiceovers missing. Is there a link to the posted bugs and I'll check to see if I found something else new? Oh yea the auto pilot is a bit bugged also and doesn't go to the correct location to enter true space from time to time, I believe the last time I played UQM there was a 'snap to' on the starmap to the stars so you didn't have to aim pixel perfect with the croshair on starts which you pretty much have to do in the HD version. That could also have been the original dos version I don't know but I do remember you didn't have to aim so carefully with the crosshair.
I did find the Dreadnought AI a bit weird, I just felt they weren't nearly as aggressive against Avatars as I remember them to be. I was just breezing through them in an Avatar which I find strange. I remember them putting up more of a fight before. Now they were just trying to get away from me most of the time. Not sure if there was any in game AI setting I was missing?
One point about the HD graphics they still look sweet scaled to 2560x1920 on my screen, good job with the artwork! The rotating planets did throw me off a bit though, I couldn't remember all the item locations from memory haha. With the old non rotatating I had memorized where the stuff was