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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Buy more time? on: March 18, 2015, 02:33:03 am
UQM-HD for android has the option of turning off the time limit in the setup menu.
Whaaaat? *O*
They've already implemented? in version he had, that option was not then what happens? stop time for total destruction, but and other events? active time "when you look ready?"

Any advice to use this option properly in history? stop time to explore quiet is fine, but it must be activated for events occasionally hehe

P.S: UQM version of the same? uqm-0.7.0-content.uqm?

Thank you, very good news * O *
I hope you understand, google translator is like an Indian from a lost tribe xD
2  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Buy more time? on: March 16, 2015, 11:40:52 pm
Hi, has made some progress in the android version? about my doubts on this topic? I have the version of android, currently version that changes there? not find a log to see the changes: S

I'm still wanting to have options to extend the time of the attacks that destroy planets, I have hope xD

P.S: Google translator, sorry > <
3  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Buy more time? on: July 24, 2014, 10:10:17 am
Thanks for the clarification;

The fact that this game is the best, but time will crucify brutal way xD
One way to solve the "weather events" is that these events are triggered when "this close" to them, that way you do not depend on time, another idea xD

Well, until we got here, thanks or the patience, if there is anything new to the android version, I'll be careful of the forum hehe

4  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Buy more time? on: July 23, 2014, 04:56:47 pm
There will be some way to edit in HEX and implement the code of the two MODs manually? would know that they modify and file information not know that hehe

In theory, sure. In practice, nobody in their right mind would try when the source code is available.

That and if he is using an Android tablet , hex editing an apk or files within an apk can sometimes render them corrupt.

Hex editing a time mod might be easy since that was just modifying two variables, but everything else has extra code.
You would just have to find where the variables for HYPERSPACE_CLOCK_RATE and INTERPLANETARY_CLOCK_RATE are in the file and start hiking the value.

In the source code the values reside in src/uqm/clock.h, I changed the HCR and ICR from 5 / 30 to 60 / 360 respectively.

All I can say is that I can try to give it another shot to build android versions. But I doubt anything will come of it.
This modification would have the same effect as the mods:
The Time Dilation Mod
The De-Cleansing Mod
Together? exact effect that that would have modified? I will investigate to see what can be done;

I appreciate your interest in trying to recompile the android version, I wish you luck * O *

Nothing, I find the variables, would be good to add those MODs in addons folder, such as translations xD

In the computer version is compiled with MODs? "The Time Dilation Mod and The De-Cleansing Mod" together? (HD version), maybe you can play on the tablet from the computer, if I can, would be my only option, but is not the same U_U
5  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Buy more time? on: July 23, 2014, 04:02:43 am
Then I have to give up hehe do not have the knowledge to do it myself, I feel helpless xD

I would have liked to enjoy these two MODs with UQM on my tablet, we're going to do, to see if anyone dares to compile the android version, time with these mods, but for nothing hehe

Thank you very much!
6  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Buy more time? on: July 22, 2014, 02:58:47 am
I play in a UQM android tablet, how can I apply these two mods to keep them active by playing it on my tablet? or maybe some editing APK file to manually put the MODs? any suggestion is welcome hehe
I'm pretty sure there's no way to just apply the mod to your copy of UQM, you'd need to download a different version of UQM with the mod applied, and I'd be surprised if there was one for android... though I could be wrong.

I have tried to build Android versions. Always end up with compiling errors and never getting anything done.

Which is why I supplied the .diffs, for those brave enough to cross-compile. I also used to build OSX versions, but then I lost access to the Mac I was building them on.
I assume you not be able to enjoy these two mods on my tablet U_U hires2x UQM HD looks and handles very comfortable;

There will be some way to edit in HEX and implement the code of the two MODs manually? would know that they modify and file information not know that hehe

Sorry my bad English
7  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Buy more time? on: July 21, 2014, 02:41:46 am
I also would be worth a different version with those two mods, mods time the two applied;

Looking for an alternative way to apply my knowledge to compile this game for example, is zero, would be nice to have these mods and addons (addons folder), but I guess that is not possible;

Unless someone did me the favor of compiling the latest version for android with mods "The Time Dilation Mod" and "The Time Dilation Mod" applied, I'll have to stay with the desire, will try to find solution, thank you very much for the info ^ ^
8  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Buy more time? on: July 20, 2014, 07:30:19 pm
Thank you very much for the info;

"The Time Dilation Mod" and "The Time Dilation Mod"

I play in a UQM android tablet, how can I apply these two mods to keep them active by playing it on my tablet? or maybe some editing APK file to manually put the MODs? any suggestion is welcome hehe
9  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Buy more time? on: July 18, 2014, 11:42:07 am
- There are in-game possibilities to "buy" more time? where I buy it? gives you more free time to explore?

- Are missing more time, I can not explore as I would like> <
There mod added time? to know where to find it and see how it installs

[Google translate :S]
10  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Weather continues to explore taste on: July 17, 2014, 10:47:40 am
There are some mods available which give you a lot more time.
But then, even when playing excruciatingly slow, I never ran even close to the time limit.

About the spoiler, Might you tell me where?

And the mods that give more time, where can I find them? that name have those mods and they do exactly, apart from adding time?

11  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Weather continues to explore taste on: July 17, 2014, 05:22:16 am
Sorry, translated with google >_ <

I spent several hours playing, exploring, collecting resources, knowing other races, before I knew it, the ur quan destroyed everything and the game is over ....

Is there any way around that? to explore the universe without haste? or it's a game with limited time?

P.D: I hope that the translation is understood U_U
12  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: I have a question (Textures, .uqm package, movement of the planets, etc) on: April 18, 2013, 03:50:23 am
Hi, I'm new, I translate with google translation, sorry U_U

Depending on which language you speak natively it might be good to post your original writing as well. There's at *least* Finnish and Dutch speakers here, I'm sure there's others.
Hehe, I'm Spanish, do not think much Spanish here (it would be a surprise xD);

Wanted to know one thing, would be very complicated to a scheduler enabled in the code of the port of PSP, the option to change textures (as in the HD version) of the planets, where you send a "lander" to collect minerals? by placing PNGs as in the HD version?

And see detailed planets in space? or at least that rotated?
I am willing to collaborate with the edition of PNGs, even more, I have already changed my PSP UQM 898 images, I have 1 month editing PNGs xDD (lander, menu, ships, effects, many things!)
If fancy you some programmer one day, help you without problems in the image editing that is needed, I would love to see the PSP port more decent (and more rapid when loading xDD)

Greetings, thank you

P.S: at least you will understand half, translators are crap hahaha
13  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: I have a question (Textures, .uqm package, movement of the planets, etc) on: April 08, 2013, 07:17:02 pm
The machine translation is indeed making it hard to understand you.

I am not sure about the speed issue. Loading from .zip files will be (significantly) faster than from separate files because I/O is the bottleneck, and with separate files there will be a lot of system calls to open and close files.
(But compressing the .ogg files will only hurt, as these files are uncompressable, and there are relatively few of them.)

You can just compress using 7zip or winrar, but you must make sure that the layout of the files is exactly the same. In particular, make sure that there is no extra top directory added in the .zip file.

If I'm not mistaken, the images in lbm/ are for SuperMelee, the ipanims/orbview*.png images are used for the planets in a solar system, and the planet surface is procedurally generated (except Earth, and maybe one other).

The planet rotation is a relatively intensive operations. Presumably the creator of the PSP port disabled this because the CPU could not keep up.

I understand, is a pity that the planets do not move, looks good hehe

Do by the others, understand that if I see "MARS" red smooth (without details), I can not do anything, true? (question: The planet Mars, in the folder "lbm" corresponds to the files "mar_big.png, mar_med.png and mar_sml.png? If you change those PNGs by others, that I am changing? the appearance of the planet does not change the game.)

About the .uqm, if I compress in zip, I leave it with zip extension? or I renamed it to .uqm? I have to try, by that I remember that when compressed files, there was no nothing extra, so try to see ^^
hahaha solved the of the.UQM, is that I was compressing the files but tucked inside a folder xDDDD now already should operate well hahaha

Thanks for the responses, I feel that not well understood, but has also understood it hehehe
14  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / I have a question (Textures, .uqm package, movement of the planets, etc) on: April 08, 2013, 04:44:36 am
Hi, I'm new, I translate with google translation, sorry U_U

Also had another question, I am modifying graphics for the PSP port (is very slow, if I change graphics, it takes 1 minute in change from one scene to another, for example, click "new game", it takes 1 minute to load [or more!] T_T) and wanted to know how to change the graphics of the planets when you browse for the space;

Do in the folder "lbm" (pack game .uqm) there are planets textures, I changed them, but these are not shown in the "space" when you browse to a orbit (changed textures are not shown), then I thought that those textures are the planets that we see in space, where or how to change them?

Also wanted to know about how to package the files in the.Do UQM pack game, i.e., I unzip the .uqm with 7zip or winrar file, but then as I package everything to the .uqm? compressed files in zip and popularity to .uqm, but the file is not good, is not recognized, I would like to make a few tests and need to know this hehe, thanks

Another question, is that the planets do not move in space as in the remake, it would be possible to make they moved in the PSP port? I'm not a coder, I ask if anyone is interested, is a pity not to have this game correctly ported to the PSP, "I love this game!" [First of all, I would like to say that I have much handling with photoshop, and I am willing to modify "1300" image files, I mention it in case someone is interested hehehe (I have experience in this topic)]

A greeting and thanks for your work, you are the bosses! * O *

P.S: I hope you understand, translators are very very bad hahahaha
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