I recently rebuilt my computer and I am trying to find Project 6014. All the downloads that I have tried are broken. I have tried through Sourceforge and the official web page with no luck. Can someone PLEASE help me?
When I use the official link I get this message during the download
"Could not install the package p6014-0.2.1-prv-content.uqm due to the following error : "http/1.0 404 Requested url not found". THIS IS A MANDATORY PACKAGE. without this package the Ur-quan master Project6014 0.2.1 will NOT run."
When I use the official link I get this message during the download
"Could not install the package p6014-0.2.1-prv-content.uqm due to the following error : "http/1.0 404 Requested url not found". THIS IS A MANDATORY PACKAGE. without this package the Ur-quan master Project6014 0.2.1 will NOT run."
the best way to get this demo to work is to use the installer just to get the game folders to appear. after you try out the installer Write down the names of all of the files that wont install then go to the site again and then down log each file individually and install each file individually by drag and droping it into the content folder or even the addons folders. it usually takes a hour or two to do this, but at least you can check this demo out.
personally i love this demo and cant wait until its finished, i think that considering that they began working on this thing in 2009 and then the demo was ready in January of 2012 i personally feel that the second and or the full game will be released around 2020. you know this 2015 year is very significant in terms of the star flight chronology, for instance though out much of human history in the real world much of the events in the real world are the same events as in the game, the flying saucers in the 1950s was just the arilou then you have events that might have happened but we dont know about like the Ur-Quan scout class ship having discovered human civilization around 1940 and also the Lurg telling the Mycon not to destroy the earth around 1160s AD. but in the year 2015 there was a small nuclear war in the middle east region and according to game lore the country or Iran did a nuclear strike on Isreal. seems to me that this event is not going to happen in real life, there fore 2015 is very significant because this is the year that real life history begins to diverge noticeably from the observable time line in the game. and i use the word observable becasue we cant really know if the Ur-quan exist and have discovered us and all of that part.
also by the year 2020 human cloning occurs in the country of Switzerland, this is very possible considering that Switzerland is a neutral country and these anti-human cloning laws might not have a effect there, so that even seems like that could happen in real life. its just so interesting how our own real world time line is very similar to this star control timeline it makes me thing that some of this flying saucer technology might actually get discovered by the year 2100 like in the game. but my point is i personally think that people are still working on this game, they would not leave it unfinished like this and 8 years going from 2012 to 2020 should be enough time for them to get demo version 0.2.2 up and runing at least.