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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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16  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: favorite games other than Star Control? on: May 27, 2003, 02:09:16 am
Just thought of something...

Have you ever played Lavamind's trilogy of weird business sims:  Gazillionaire, Zaplitalism, and Profitania?

Definitely some of my favorites.

Now if they can just combine the economic models created by Lavamind with a space sim like I-War or Freelancer it would be one hell of a game.

17  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: How was the real universe created? on: May 26, 2003, 11:54:05 pm
Could it be that Fred Ford created this universe as well?

18  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / How was the real universe created? on: May 24, 2003, 11:15:02 pm
Perhaps the one who created the real universe would respond to this thread just like Fred did the other one...

19  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Ever thought about... on: May 24, 2003, 11:00:32 pm
Here are a few things that make me go "hmmmm":

1.  How come all combat in Starcon universe is 1 on 1?   Why doesn't anyone ever get the idea to gang up on their enemies?

2. How come all planets in Star Con 2 only have non-renewable resource that gets depleted after a few trips by your planet lander?   Besides, the biological creatures never grow back even if you leave some of them alive.

3. How do human (and later Shofixi) crew members control ships such as the Orz Nemesis or Chmmr Avatar?

20  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: favorite games other than Star Control? on: May 24, 2003, 10:46:39 pm
I wish I could get my hands on I-War 2.

Anyone has an opinion on how it compares to Freelancer?

A few other favorites:  Arcanum, Fallout I and II, Privateer II, Chrono Trigger.

21  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / favorite games other than Star Control? on: May 21, 2003, 11:31:53 pm
Jagged Alliance 2, Command and Conquer, Warcraft II, Privateer I and II....

22  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Science Fiction Fan? on: May 21, 2003, 11:29:54 pm
Japanese animation and comic books, actually.

The Gundam series, Miyazaki's Laputa:City in the Sky and Nausicaa, more recently Gainax's Evangelion and FLCL.

23  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Fun ways to live on: May 21, 2003, 11:24:36 pm
NOT as a crew member on a Druuge ship, that's for sure.

I'd like to be an Orz.  These evil bastards seems to have much fun.
24  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: SC3 on: May 12, 2003, 06:50:46 am
I agree.  SC3 is lacking in 3 areas in my humble opinion, however...

1. Cleverness of the puzzles in the game is missing  
2. Ending sucks
3. Too much tedious management tasks, also too much resource available.  
25  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Burvix 'Caster on: May 12, 2003, 02:00:50 am
*Spoiler Alert*

Did you guys manage to get 32000RU for the Burvix Caster?

26  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / My favorite moment in SC 2  (and in all games on: May 11, 2003, 02:26:39 am
Spoiler, perhaps

The Druuge fuel trade.  So much fun!
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