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1  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Hyperspace (Re-enter) (remix for purists) on: November 25, 2003, 12:00:11 pm
I'm confused. So, Mark Vera, is your real name Jouni Airaksinen? Or, is Mark Vera the name of the team... or you are Mark Vera, and Jouni fiddles with the stuff, or heck I dunno. I just want to say...

SOMEONE GIVE JUONI AIRAKSINEN A COOKIE! Or even better, a well-paying job making music. The only songs that I liked in those packs were labeled as Jouni's work, whoever that is, and they are simply awesome in the ears of a person very picky about his music. From a non-purist's vantage, they are way cool. From a purist's, even better.

Well, as with anything, there must be a qualifying statement. I think that this hyperspace tune is nice, but am sticking with the 3do. It's not really on par with the other work. Also, I think that while some of the little ditties are okay, most of them don't feel very polished.

I'm planning on giving the ditties, and then the Arilou comm, a shot myself. After I fix my display (640x480 at 16 colors does not display composition programs well). I can't promise anything, but I will attempt to put my money where my mouth is and get some songs that are satisfactory to me out myself rather than expecting someone else to Smiley
2  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Using your own music on: June 16, 2003, 12:12:54 am
Open up the folder lbm and sort by type - you'll see some .mod's and .ogg's of such names as hyper, battle, arispace, etc....
3  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Using your own music on: June 15, 2003, 04:29:15 am
Excellent choices there! I don't think anything can beat your choice for Mycons.

OverClocked Remixes is an excellent source of quality instrumentals... only problem is they tend to be short because of the file size restriction. I VERY much like my choice of Orz Smiley

Ur-Quan: Rape of a Planet
Shofixti: Arrakis Wormsign (mmm)
Thraddash: River City Rammstein
Syreen: MudMix
Ariloo: Let There Be LIGHT
Orz: Black Magic Synthesis (WOOT!)
Umgah: BubbleMan Soap and Water
Utwig: Beginnings
Chmmr: Metal Gear May Cry
Slylandro: Brambles in the Breeze
Pkunk: Ocarina Boogie
Probe: Echoes at a Distance
Hyperspace: Space Grind
Battle: Waztelands

From elsewhere..

Yehat: Ice Plains (Excellent..)
Kohr-Ah: Necropolis (Site is currently down, so can't give direct link to mp3)

Would be really cool to get the boss battle music from Rocket Knight Adventures put in smoothly for the battle music.
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