I'm confused. So, Mark Vera, is your real name Jouni Airaksinen? Or, is Mark Vera the name of the team... or you are Mark Vera, and Jouni fiddles with the stuff, or heck I dunno. I just want to say...
SOMEONE GIVE JUONI AIRAKSINEN A COOKIE! Or even better, a well-paying job making music. The only songs that I liked in those packs were labeled as Jouni's work, whoever that is, and they are simply awesome in the ears of a person very picky about his music. From a non-purist's vantage, they are way cool. From a purist's, even better.
Well, as with anything, there must be a qualifying statement. I think that this hyperspace tune is nice, but am sticking with the 3do. It's not really on par with the other work. Also, I think that while some of the little ditties are okay, most of them don't feel very polished.
I'm planning on giving the ditties, and then the Arilou comm, a shot myself. After I fix my display (640x480 at 16 colors does not display composition programs well). I can't promise anything, but I will attempt to put my money where my mouth is and get some songs that are satisfactory to me out myself rather than expecting someone else to